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  • Collection: Donaldson, David

Two aircrew wearing leather flying jackets with fur collars standing behind the wing root of a Wellington. David Donaldson is on the right. Flaps on aircraft are down.


David Donaldson reminisces about an operation on Turin, describing the crossing of the Alps at night and the awe-inspiring sight of Mount Blanc. David stresses the uniqueness of the operation, only comparable to a previous one on Munich, and mentions…

A portrait of the pilot and co-pilot in the cockpit of their 149 Squadron Wellington bomber, at RAF Mildenhall in 1941. On the left is Acting Flight Lieutenant David William Donaldson. On the right, at the controls, is Pilot Officer Geoffrey O'Neill…

Letter saying he has arrived safely but is not happy about the prospect of war.

Letter discussing his health and his relationship with Joyce.
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