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  • Collection: Thomas, John Henry

Side view at night of a Fw 190 crossing right to left very close. Through the left front cockpit windscreen.

Describes a very near collision at night between an Halifax and a German Fw 190. Lists crew of Halifax. Notes it was their 31st operation of 34 total.

Describes the introduction of Halifax into service with associated problems. Mentions first operations to Le Havre. Goes on to describe engine and gun turret upgrades as well as other modifications. Continues with introduction of Mk 3. and Mk 6…

Incident 1. Describes ground loop on engine run up for take off. Pilot subsequently posted away.
Incident 2. Describes watching another aircraft taking off when its flaps fell down and bomb doors opening as it reached take off speed on the runway.…

Gives account of daylight operation with mention of bombload and instrument problem on take off and subsequent trip with no air speed indicator. Formatted on another aircraft in order to bomb. Continues with comment on return trip and landing without…

Covers enlistment and early training in the Royal Australian Air Force. Continues with description of journey to England via the United States and training in England. Lists his crew formed during training. Joined 102 Squadron with Halifax Mk 3 on 12…

John Thomas was born in Australia and joined the RAF in 1943. After completing his initial training in Australia he travelled to the UK via America. Further training, including an accident and night vision tests, led to 102 Squadron and a full tour…
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