Browse Items (294 total)

  • Collection: Madgett, Hedley Robert

Woman standing wearing white flowered sari holding a baby in long white christening robe. In the background shrubs.

Post card of large two story house surrounded by trees a hedges. Captioned 'Perrotts Brook House'.

Post card. On the left a pavilion with steps. On the right a two story building with many windows. In front a fence running left to right. Envelope 'Nellie G Smith, 60 Commercial Road, Southampton'.

Head and shoulders portrait of a woman in nurses uniform

Full face portrait of a woman wearing white blouse. On the front 'A portrait by H E Jones. 75 Northgate, Gloucester'. On the reverse 'To [..], with love from your pal. Trotts'.

Album front cover.

Lancaster with man on rear fuselage, another behind cockpit and two by starboard inner engine. In the foreground part of a tree and a bicycle on edge of dispersal. Behind the aircraft miscellaneous equipment. Aircraft letter 'S'.

Six aircrew, four standing behind and two kneeling in front.Three are wearing parachute harness and one a flying jacket. In the background part of an aircraft. Hedley Madgett is standing on the left holding a parachute and helmet.

Top left - street with buildings/shops either side and cars parked at curbs. Top right - view over town with residential houses. Snow on the ground. Bottom left - railroad tracks with steam train coming towards. Commercial buildings beyond tracks.…

Top left - a man at bottom of ladder to train drivers platform. Top right - man in Royal Air Force uniform standing in front of steam engine. A engineer stands to the right. Lines point to both photographs annotated 'Bill Girdwood'. Bottom left a man…

Top left - man in flyng suit standing in snow in front of a single story building. Captioned 'Lucien Eccles'. Top middle - man in flying suit coming out of a door. Captioned 'Bill Girdwood'. Top right - two men wearing greatcoats and side caps…

Unidentifiable double exposure. Model aircraft and open area with trees surrounding

Headley Madgett sitting on a wooden bench in a garden wearing a civilian suit. In the background a fence and flowers.

Top left - road with telegraph poles on left side going into the distance with entrance on left with sign 'Royal Air Force [.......]'. Top right road running into the distance with single story huts either side. An airman is walking way from camera…

Top left - Man wearing flying clothes and carrying parachute walking away from Tiger Moth. Captioned 'Sgt Smith, my first instructor' Top right - two men in flying clothes standing behind the wing of a Tiger Moth. Captioned '"Murf" Murray with Sgt…

Top left - a line of Tiger Moths parked, in the background right a control tower. Top right - parked Tiger Moth captioned 'Tiger Moth No 72, the first kite I flew on'. Centre middle a fuel bowser in front of a Tiger Moth with man on top wing…

Top left - air to ground view of river running bottom right to top left.Middle left - air to ground view of river in middle distance. Middle right - air to ground view of river on left. Bottom right - air to ground view of river in distance on left.…

One hundred plus aircrew sitting and standing in four lines in front of a Lancaster. In the background a hangar.

Top left - air to ground view of town with starboard wing. Captioned 'above Swift Current'. Top right - air t o ground view of open country. Captioned 'the experimental farm'. Middle left - air to ground view of open countryside with river. Captioned…

Top left - air-to-air view of two Tiger Moths, the second behind and below the first. Top right - three Tiger Moths in echelon formation. Bottom left - Tiger Moth in front of control tower. Bottom right a Harvard parked in front of hangar with two…

Top - a line of 7 Tiger Moths parked on grass. On the left hangars. Bottom left - a pilot wearing flying suit and carrying parachute walking away from a Tiger Moth. Captioned Sgt Smith. Bottom right - nine pilots wearing flying suits and one man in…

Top - a group of airmen in various uniform or overalls standing and sitting in front of a line of Tiger Moths. Captioned 'The flight "Mechs"'. Bottom - a row of Tiger Moths in front of two hangars. The aircraft on the left has a group on men in front…

Top left - a large multistory public building with dome in the centre. Top right - in the distance on the far side of a lake, a large building with dome in the centre. Both photographs captioned 'Parliament Buildings, Regina'. Bottom left - a city…

Top left an ornate multistory public building with a tower on the front. In the foreground several people on pathways. Captioned 'Town Hall, Regina'. Top right - two views mounted overlapping showing panoramic of a park with lake behind. In the…

Top right - two images mounted overlapping to form panoramic view of city buildings and street on the left and railways tracks with trains on the right. Middle left - view over the top of city buildings. Middle right - view over the top of city…
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