Browse Items (110 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1943-08-17"

From S Stephenson at George Harker & Co Ltd thanking him for sending copies of letters from Red Cross.

From Bob Grimwade thanking for letter and while no definite news there is always hope. Hopes to get over to see them in near future.

From W Coates says prayers being offered and hoping that Hedley Madgett has survived.

Just hear news that Hedley is missing. Sympathy over anxiety. Notes Hedley had just been awarded DFM.

From Jean Trinick noting that she had read Hedley was missing from newspaper and offering sympathy.

Letter offering sympathy over news that Hedley is missing.

Expresses sympathy in anxious time. Writes she was brave to attend meeting.

Letter from manager of local branch of Westminster Bank offering sympathy over news that his son is missing.

Have read news that Hedley is missing and hope he is safe. Offers sympathy over their anxiety.

From Leslie Kant offering his and his wife's condolence. Writes that Hedley was one of the nicest and brightest of his staff. He had no idea he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Medal and had taken a commission. Writes he had received news that…

From Borothy Mitchell. Offers sympathy on hearing news of Hedley missing.

From Dorothy Richings writing she is sad over lack of news. Encourages them to not give up hope.

From T J Robins of Robin's stores limited. Writes he noted in newspaper that Hedley was missing. He writes he has son in RAF as well and hopes they will get good news soon.

From J Stott expressing great sorrow over news that Hedley is missing.

From the Adjutant of local Air Training Corps Squadron (No 1227 Squadron Chistlehurst and Sidcup). Reported missing in local paper. Noting that Hedley was one of their first of their cadets to enter the Royal Air Force and had welcomed him on return…

From George Harker & Co Ltd with deepest regret on hearing news that Hedley is missing. All members of staff send sympathy. Hedley was one of the most popular and promising member of staff.

From W C Green offering sympathy over news that Hedley is missing and hoping that he might have survived. Admires bravery of crews.

Writes he read news in Telegraph and offers sympathy. Notes that there had been similar examples of such news at the office but then they had good news. Relates other news and hopes for the best.

From Elsie Richardson offering sympathy over report of Hedley missing and hopes they may hear good news soon. Writes that they would not know her but several years ago he was kind to her husband who often spoke of young Hedley. She continues with…

From G S Skipper writing that he was sorry to hear that Hedley had not returned from a operation to Germany. Passes on some laudatory comments on Hedley when he worked for him.

Letter from old friend George offering sympathy. ,

From Bob Grimwade thanks him for letter and sorry for news it contained. Doubly tough as Hedley had nearly completed his tour. Good chance he bailed out.

Writes that holiday in Oxford would not be a good idea and relates recent activities including a trip to Marlow. Catches up with acquaintances news and upcoming leave. Catches up with family news and motorcycling difficulty. mentions that all old…

To central depository Colnbrook thanking them for letter and list of son's personal effects.

Letter to Director of Personnel Services. Reference letter to Madgetts on February 18 1944. Notes that they received a letter from Wing Commander 61 Squadron at Syerston that their son was missing after air operation on 17/18 August 1943. They also…
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