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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Tunisia--El Kef"

James Douglas Hudson followed a friend to join the RAF, trained as a navigator and was posted to 101 Squadron at RAF West Raynham. On his final operational flight with the squadron he ran out of fuel and crashed. He was taken prisoner by the Vichy…

Pencil sketch of four men playing cards round a table and explanatory note explaining 'sketch by Blenheim wireless operator Sgt E (Ted) Hart (who escaped from Le Kef with Douglas'.

Informs him his name has been communicated to Prisoner of War Bureau in London who will inform family of current address. Forwarded his letter.

Received his letter and forwarded to his parents along with message to British Red Cross enquiring about health of parents.

Received his letter and forwarded it to his parents with airmail message to send him a cable care of American Consul Tunis.

Received letter and forwarded to parents.

Sent by J B Morton. Flowers and bells on the front with green ribbon. Woman at post-box inside front. Christmas greetings inside right.

Mentions letter from Douglas's mother informing writer that Douglas was missing and now delighted to know he was alive and safe. Catches up with news of acquanitances. Hopes he got Christms card. Asks Douglas to let them know if there is anything…

States he is fit and well and his greatest concern is their health. Mentions the weather. Says he is becoming an epicure and looks forward to experimenting. Says he has written 5 letters and hopes they got through. Wishes them a happy Christmas.…

Writes that he has received correspondence from home and from pen friends. States he cannot write to the latter as he is only allowed two letters a month. Explains that he cannot say a great deal in letters and that politics are taboo. Explains about…

Writing from Tunisia that he is perfectly well as are the others. He is keeping letter simple in order not to write anything that may prevent the letter being delivered. Mentions the current climate and availability of grapes, figs, olives and…

Hopes that they had received his first letter telling them he was well and interned at Le Kef. Writes of his daily activities and that there is plenty of English reading material available. Recalls his fathers recent birthday and send greetings.…

Writes that he was pleased to get a letter from Red Cross at Geneva informing him that his name had been forwarded to the prisoner of war information bureau in London and that they would inform his parents of his address. Mentions he has written…

Mentions he is allowed two letters a month and hopes his previous ones have arrived. Hopes they are keeping well. Reports he is well and has not lost any weight. Mentions current weather and that they are quite high up. Writes of various clothes he…

Writes he is doing well and has been sunbathing and comments on the weather. Mentions he has sent a number of letters via the Red Cross but has had no acknowledgement that they had been forwarded to them. Asks that they cable him via the American…

Short note to let them know he is well and hopes they have received his letters.

Writes that he is trying to send mail via the Red Cross in Geneva and via Tangiers and suggests they reply through the American consul in Tunis. Suggest they enquire about air mail and cables. Reports he is keeping well.

Writes that he still has not heard from them and wonders if everything is alright with them. He suggest various ways they might get in touch: through the American consul Tunis, British consul Tangiers and Red Cross Geneva. Some compatriots have…

Reports he is still well but has still not received any news from them. Recommends methods that they might try to reach him through various organisations. Wishes them happy Christmas.

Writes that he is well and wishes them happy Christmas. Reports he is still without news from them and he wonders why as mail is getting through. Suggests sending by air mail as well as cable. .

Reports arrival of two letters from them and an aunt. Hopes they had a happy Christmas and asks them to thank everyone who asked after them. Mentions he has also written a letter to them.

Writes he was pleased to receive their letter but that he can only send two a month. Comments on letter s content and notes he had received a postcard from the Red Cross informing him they were forwarding his letters to them. Suggests they cable him…

Wishes them happy new year and mentions the weather. Reports he is still well and hopes that they would received several of his letter by then.

Had not received any letters since he last wrote. Says he has little news to report and comments on the weather with heavy rain and cold. Mentions little wood available for heating making it cold at night. Comments on the locals and their dress.…

Catches up with mail sent and received and urges them to sent him post by air mail. Comments that countryside is much greener after the rain and there were no insects and life would be good as long as they got use to the food.
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