Browse Items (12 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Widnes"

Ken's birth certificate

Four boys standing on the river bank. Ken is second from right and is aged 16. In the background is the embarkation platform for the old transporter bridge.
On the reverse 'B13'

A head and shoulders portrait of Ken wearing a thick coat. On the reverse '7087'.

A head and shoulders portrait of Ken. On the reverse '7087B'.

A head and shoulders portrait of Ken in civilian clothes. On the reverse '1956'.

A newspaper cutting from 30th April 1943. An article and photograph shows two aircrew with a white elephant lucky charm.

Seven photographs from an album.
#1 Ken sitting on a wall, captioned 'Douglas IOM June 1942 On the promenade'.
#2 Ken standing by a groyne, captioned 'Douglas IOM June 1942 On the Beach'.
#3 Ken standing on the beach in uniform, with a rolled up…

Front, inside and back of a cardboard photograph wallet.

Fred's life story from early days sneaking downstairs to drink the dregs at his parent's public house, playing rugby and studying hard, becoming an accountant, learning to be an accurate rifle shooter then joining the RAF as a an air gunner. He…

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Roy Chadwick born On 30 April 1893 in Widnes. Includes other family details.
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