Browse Items (113 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Leeds"

Top left a programme for grand opera house Scarborough with advertisements, folded on first item, front cover on second and inside on third.
Bottom left - Kenneth and Vera Gill arm-in-arm, man wearing tunic with sergeant rank, woman wearing skirt…

Bride and groom, wearing tunic with half brevet, standing in centre of group with two men, one in uniform to the left and an woman and a man wearing civilian suit on the right. Captioned 'Tom Parsons (9 Sqn), Arthur Gill (cousin), Joan Lambert…

Occasional daily inputs. Mentions going to Lords (initial aircrew) in July, Leuchars for training in late July then back to London. Mentions some flying experiences in November.

Birth certificate Kenneth Gill, on 19 November 1922 in Leeds.

Gives personal details, lists postings to 9 Squadron Lancaster finishing school, and 617 Squadron. Notes missing believed killed 21 March 1945.

Reports for years 1934, 1935, 1936 at Osmondthorpe Senior Boys' school.

Note with address of Kenneth Gill in Leeds.

Term report 1936-37 from Junior Technical School, Leeds. List subjects, results and remarks.

This page is an entry point for a place. Please use the links below to see all relevant documents available in the Archive.

Writes that he had been busy, operation to Berlin previous night. Describes life in the officers' mess. Mentions that Tom says he will come to Leeds and act as groomsman.

Catches up with friends/family news. Mentions he would be home in March. Compares British and Italian work rates on snow clearing. Continues with family gossip,

Reports he arrived back safely. Comments that he was now one trip behind his crew. Catches up with family gossip.

Reports that he arrived back safely and that he had had a good leave. Catches up with family news and gossip.

Mentions travel by rail to Moncton and comments on cold weather. Writes of his activities, food available and local shops. Goes on to describe onward train journey to the United States including food, countryside, weather and stops. Arrived at Turner…

Writes of life at Turner Field, Georgia, including food, putting on weight, weather, pay, the hospitality and American people, local churches, American cars and on base activities. Continues with description of visits to local town. Expecting to be…

Writes that his course is getting harder but he was keeping up. Says a little about flying and replies to and actions requests in their letters he recently received. Continues catching up with family gossip and news. Speculates about farming in the…

Writes that he had finished the course and should be on his way home soon. Catches up with recent mail from home. Says he will try and get bananas to bring home. Mentions gifts for family that he has obtained to bring home. Catches up with news of…

Writes about poor weather and that he thought summer was over. Comments on plans for upcoming leave with wife Vera and son Derek. Sets maths puzzle with diagram for his father that he has been trying to solve.

Writes that he had arrived safely at his new station and describes accommodation, food and daily transport. Speculates that he would be seeing a lot of Germany.

Writes of possibility of returning to his old squadron. Catches up with news of friends and family. Comments on recent snow and the work it caused them. Mentions coupons he sent to his father. Writes about calculating his total mileage by land and…

Writes about trying to book somewhere in Scarborough for his next leave and outlines his plans for it. Mentions some places in France that his father used to talk about which were now in the news again. Catches up with family news.

Writes after recently arriving at new station. Comments on weather. Writes about his crew, pilot from New Zealand, engineer and wireless operator from London, bomb aimer from Derby and gunners from Hull and Preston. Comments that none of his old crew…

Writes that he had now recovered from illness and had recently done a seven mile route march. Catches up with news of friends and family and researching Navy matters. Continues with family gossip which reminded him of books he had read and comments…

Catches up with family news, birthdays and other news. Mentions he had now moved to Carlstrom Field, Arcadia, Florida. Describes living conditions and provides sketch map of camp. Comments on food, weather, and that they had not yet flown, Writes…
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