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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Hull"

Writing weekly letter early as would be revising for exam later. Mentions that flying was still going well although last trip was bumpy and he suffered from air sickness. Now had 35 hours but no night flying yet. Comments on latest good war news.

Airgram No 1. Reports arrival of latest mail and says he is late due to night flying previous day. Catches up with family news and mentions that he had also been gardening with his local hosts over the weekend.

Airgram No 2. Continuation from no 1. Says he had now taken 4 exams out of 13 or 14 and knows he passed the first three. Catches up with family mail received and news of friends who was over from Queenstown. Mentions catching up with other friends in…

Reports arrival of latest mail and sends birthday greetings to mother. Speculates that the course would soon be over in 6 weeks and then wonders what will happen. Catches up with other sad news from home.

Part 1. Reports arrival of recent mail. Discusses Norman's decision to go for navigator course. Mentions taking another exam with only 8 or 9 more to go in the next 4 weeks. Sad to hear of friend's death in action and complains about poor airgraph…

Part 2. Discusses mail to and from. Mentions visiting local acquaintances and meeting a friend who is near the end of his course. Comments on going to see a demonstration by local fire service.

Discusses mail and getting behind in his airgrams home. mentions Norman re-mustering as air navigator and that he had taken his sixth exam. Wonders about Norman's future activities in the RAF. Catches up with news of other friends.

Part 1. Catches up with family news and comments on time mail takes to reach him. mentions he had heard of heavy air attack on Hull and hopes that they are all OK. Catches up with other news and gossip. Mentions bomb site scroungers and that he is…

Writes that he is still managing to get through exams alright. Comments on news that his friend had failed one of his exams at another station and suggests that this was an example where results of exams did not give guidance to a person's…

Writes from Cape Town apologising for missed mail and says that he will miss his weekend visits to the local family he frequented in his previous location. Hopes they are enjoying summer weather and asks for latest family news. Mentions his plans for…

Catches up with latest mail sent/received. Mentions that he has sent food parcels to them. Says he will hand onto photographs rather than risking losing them in the mail. Comments on his satisfactory financial situation.


Catches up with news of Norman's activities. Mentions hearing on the radio of air attack on Hull and hopes family are safe and well. Mentions the importance of having good friends.

Writing to Norman on his birthday and apologises for not writing more often but he had been busy swotting hard to ensure passing exams at first attempt. Comments on exams he had taken and says he was disappointed at the simplicity of the questions.…


Writes that he had lost track of Norman's location as he seemed to have moved every time they were in contact. Catches up with mail sent and received. He compared Norman's flying hours to his own which were less but he would have had more except for…

Apologises for not writing but says he has to spend a lot time studying and had little to spare for letters. Commiserates over Norman being pushed around the country but needed to says that he would find there would be a lot of hanging around. Asked…

Reports arrival of airgram from Norman and was pleased that he had had a few days leave. Catches up with family news from home. Mentions he had passed the first three exams on the course and was waiting for results of the fourth. He would be working…


Notes it is quite a while since he received an airgram form him and wondered if he had started his courses or was still waiting which unfortunately was common at that time. However he said that Norman had done the right thing re-mustering as…

Writes of digging a small patch of land as garden and discusses what he has planted. Mentions going to a play and that he does not get lonely as he has so many pleasant memories of her. Asks after friends and says two more boys from Scunthorpe had…

Letter explaining that there are no other appointments available for driving test due to excessive stress and a large number of applications.

Senders address is care of Worms and Company (shipping agents). Asks whether Dennis Raettig has been receiving mail from his father and relates family news. Comments that most women and children have been evacuated. Tells story of two women…

Writes about stories of damage to Hull in bombing related by him and other acquaintances. Enquires about other people and relates some family news. Mentions that things are not comfy at her location due to bombing but she wished to stay with her…

Reply sent to Denis Raettig from M Harland and Son, Specializing Printers of Hull offering a months trial

Letter concerning Dennis Raettig's form E.D.60 for enlistment in Royal Air Force Reserve and requesting he complete Form 1764 as soon as possible.

Informs him that his son Sergeant Mervyn Adder was missing as a result of air operations on night 15/16 March 1944. The Lancaster in which he was flying as navigator failed to return from operation to Stuttgart.

Confirms information in telegram in which he was notified that his son had lost his life as a result of air operations on 15 March 1944. Information was from official German sources.
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