Browse Items (125 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Zimbabwe--Manicaland Province"

Writes that month had been very exiting and they were hopeful after hearing of the invasion. Mentions recent camp sports day with lots of side shows like a fair ground. Writes of gambling with cigarettes, band playing and sweepstake. Also mentions…

Reports arrival of letter and catches up with news. Mentions receiving tobacco and asks them to thanks donors. Keeping fit and doing a bit of sunbathing. Writes about theatre built by prisoners and getting a lot of entertainment. Looking forward to…

Reports arrival of letters and ask her to thank donor of pyjamas which had nor arrived yet but were expected in next parcel. Writes listing contents of previous parcel from Rhodesia House which would be useful for the next winter as he expected still…

No news apart from seeing recent play which was very good. Comments on the weather which was poor and he would never complain about heat again when he got home. Catches up with news of friends in camp and asks if they had heard anymore about a news…

Writes that he was now in the north camp of Stalag Luft 3. and describes new location. Mentions 12 Rhodesians in new camp and talks of accommodation. Mentions there was more entertainment and good talent in new camp. Reports arrival of letters and…

Dated incorrectly 6 January 1943. Greeting from 1944 and hopes to be with them by end of year. Catches up with news of friends in camp. Writes that the only really warm place is in bed and they are half way through winter with the worst to come.…

Writes of delays in mail from home. Asked if the government have published their plans for ex servicemen yet. Mentions Rhodesian prisoner arriving from Italy recently. Says they are all keeping fit.

Writes a card because he is in the mood. Reminisces of home and says he had received all their parcels. Writes that he does not need any more clothes. Catches up with family news and mentions other mail received.

Hopes they had had a good Christmas and said his was good as they got drunk on raison wine. Mentions letter from home which made him homesick. Writes of prisoners getting flu and of cough caught as a result of recent weather. Catches up with news.

Reports arrival of first two letters for two months and catches up with news from home. Mentions he is still getting letters from 'girlfriends' and that he thinks a lot of wives taking opportunity for a spot of fun while husbands are locked up.…

Apologizes for being gloomy in his last letter. Mentions that there had been talk of sending long standing prisoners to neutral countries but does not think much chance as many had been there for over 3 years. Comments that no mail had arrived from…

Writes that he had had no mail for six weeks and that there must be some hold up; however, English mail was arriving again. Catches up with family/friends news and says his letters must be boring as nothing happens. Writes of his camp rugby team…

Sends birthday greetings and hopes that letter would arrive before Christmas. Sends family seasons greetings and sorry he would not be with them again this year. Mentions it was a depressing time. Talks of rumours of repatriation of badly wounded…

Reports arrival of letters and writes it was good news about Italy but they had no celebrations. Says they get war news from German papers or over radio and ignore what they do not like. Mentions coming winter and that the blankets she sent would be…

Reports arrival of letters and hopes that she had had one from him as he knew that she would be worrying. Was keeping well in body if not in spirit. Played rugby for first time in a while and suffered slight injury. Was also doing P.T. Comments that…

Writes to let him know that all was going well and thanks him for letter and offer to take him on at the farm. Catches up with family news.

Writes that he was keeping fit and had received letters. Comments spring was near and they had had good weather in contrast to winter. Longs to be free.

Contains notice on rules for parcels including lists of prohibited objects. Notes books were to be sent separately or in Red Cross parcels.

Mentions arrival of latest letter and complains about poor literature which a person sends. Writes about character of people in camp and why he liked to change camps. Does not think he would move again before the end of the war. Mentions getting…

Writes of good war news and weather. Mentions athletics sports meeting and comments on national scores. Writes about play he had seen previous week and camp orchestra. Catches up with family news and says he would really like to go an work on the…

Lists letters he had received and catches up with family/friends news. Asks if any Rhodesians have been repatriated from Italy and discusses repatriation of wounded people. Writes that he was fit and of show he had seen previous night. Sorry that…

Reports arrival of latest letters. Discusses post war prospects, says Kenya idea lapsed but glad he could work at father's farm. Was glad that an offer had been made which he accepted. Mentions arrival of clothing parcel and lists content. Mentions…

Reports arrival of seven letters which took just over a month to arrive. Hopes she had recovered from illness. Commiserates over loss of friend and mentions how lucky he was. Mentions other Rhodesian arriving and that he had stopped playing rugby.…

Writes about mail and catches up with family news. Mentions a photograph of all the South Africans of Schubin [sic] (XXIB) and plans to send it. Writes about friend in camp receiving letters and photographs as well as other gossip. Mentions planned…

Writes about mail to relations and receiving book parcels. Asks them not to send any more money to person sending book as the ones she sends are rubbish. Writes about a play he saw and mentions sergeants' theatre. Mentions that there were some…
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