Browse Items (172 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Victoria"

Apologises for not sending birthday greetings. Catches up with news of friends who had lost colleagues. Says he does not need further parcels. Catches up with family news and says he has some addresses in Ireland. Catches up with more family gossip. …

Comments that there seems to have been little Australian air mail over for anyone the last month. Apologises for not writing and describes recent leave in London and day in Leeds. Reports arrival of parcels from home. Talks of future leave, one week…

Reports arrival of mail, catches up with news of home and asks after relatives. Reports arrival of parcels from home, that he would be on the move soon and was hoping for improved conditions which would alleviate need for food parcels. Discusses his…

Discusses recent mail arrival and frequency. Not doing much flying due to poor weather. Writes about going to York and seeing real snow for the first time in his life. Snow might relieve drabness of English towns and make it more like they imagined…

Reports arrival of very welcome cakes. Asks after friends and family and writes of future plans to visit Dorset with engineer. Mentions listening to radio for home news and and other domestic financial matters. says he owes other friends/family…


Discusses gossip and politics. Much of the letter is damaged and unreadable

Writes of his panned activity to initiate their new English flight engineer into their Australian crew. Discusses best ways to send mail. Mentions other mail received and current weather. Writes of conditions on his station and that they were keen…

Thanks her for the pen she sent but noted that the ink had leaked while in transit due to altitude. Catches up with news from home mentioning drought and bush fires. Mentions that rest of crew had gone into town and commented on his ground course.…

Mentions arrival of her mail and that he should have written earlier. Writes that he has been busy night flying long hours and preparation takes a long time as well. In addition he finds it difficult to sleep during the day. Catches up with news from…

Starts with account of journey and visiting caves. Continues with gossip about friends and family and description of some activities.

Starts with general gossip and says he like his new station and relates a visit to a local town. Comments on food and compares climate to home. Continues with account of incident while out walking in the country. Catches up with news of friends and…

Continues from previous item with discussion of British politics and reasons why the Tory party lost the election. Reports arrival of three cakes and asks that no more be sent as the officers mess do not do too badly. The next part is damaged and…

Sending normal weekly bulletin to Kevin for a change but says he has little to report apart from him finishing a transport course. Writes of flying in an electrical storm which affected the engines, instruments and navigation. Asks about certificate…

Thanks him for airgram and apologises for not replying sooner. Says that he had been mucked about after doing a lot of flying and then being posted to an Australian squadron. Catches up with news and gossip asking how he was getting on. Continues by…

Apologises for not writing sooner and describes activities as reasons. Describes recent leave activities. Complains about Yorkshire but says he is pleased to be on Halifax. Mentions mass every Sunday and acting as permanent altar boy. Comments on…

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Catches up with news and says he had been pretty lucky getting onto a modern liner with good food and weather. Writes a little about his activities. Mentions daily mass and that he knows many on board. Concludes with comments about friends and…


Gives excuses for poor correspondence. Mentions he has now been on squadron for a month and still likes it. Catches up with her recent news and activities. Sends late birthday greetings. Mentions he has just had leave after completing five trips in a…


Catches up with news and acknowledges receipt of £20. Mentions going to Leeds for dance and shows of which he was not impressed despite good reviews. Also acknowledges receipt of photographs and mentions Christmas greetings received. Continues with…

Addressing this letter to home as it would suffice as his letter home as well. Apologises as he is being distracted by other crew members in the hut. Comments on her exams and asks what he next appointment will be. Continues with gossip about friends…


Apologises for not writing and makes excuses. Notes that she will shortly go to Bendigo and be able to catch up on all the news. Comments on his location and the weather. Mentions that he has done some flying and his aircraft is the safest of the…


Writes about family and friends news, his activities, other people and gossip. Large portion of letter damaged by water stain.

Writes that thing were quite but he was doing lectures and cross countries and spending most of his time at Driffield. Continues with news of his and his crew's activities. Says he has seen some good ENSA plays. Makes some comments about the…

Writes about cutting his finger on barbed wire while walking back across country from a dance. Had to be stitched but still gave trouble. Says he is now crewless as the rest had volunteered together to go to Transport Command. Mentions asthma and…

Writes of going to Bridlington for a long weekend but not being impressed. Comments on recent weather. Continues with description of some of his activities. Notes he had been on the squadron longer than most and would have finished his tour had not…

Writes that he is on leave and they were having beautiful weather. Relates his journey on leave via Hull and Leeds and tells of his activities. Mentions a day in London and catches up with news of friend who had transferred to Mosquito and had many…
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