Browse Items (805 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "United States"

The three photographs feature street scenes with low rise buildings and parked cars.

An oblique aerial photograph of Miami South Beach.

Two oblique aerial photographs of the beach looking north.

Top left - view over open countryside. Captioned 'View from Timber Hill'.
Top right - view of a stream with trees on far bank. Captioned 'Ice at Timber Hill'. Bottom left - three men wearing tunics in a wood. The man in front is carrying a woman.…

Oblique aerial photograph of fields. Railway runs up from bottom centre and crosses a road which curves away. Looking east towards Miami which is lost in the distance. At the bottom, part of aircraft. Captioned 'Miami through the mist'. Includes is a…

Four photographic postcards.
Top left - view across water of silhouette city skyline with bow of yacht in right foreground, Captioned 'Moon over Miami'.
Top right - view of street with multi-story buildings either side, people on sidewalks and cars…

One colour and three b/w postcards.
Top left - colour artwork postcard of a stadium surrounded by car parks and city buildings behind. Captioned 'Orange Bowl Stadium. Home of the hurricanes, Miami Florida'.
Top right - multi-storey buildings on the…

Top left - view out of window of town buildings, with street and cars in middle distance.
Top middle - view of multi-story buildings on right side and telegraph wires down centre.
Top right - view across flat roof of distant multi-story…

Top left - two airmen one standing up in open topped car reaching up to palm tree and the other standing alongside. Captioned 'Pulling Cocanuts [sic]'.
Top middle - a man wearing swimming trunks lying on sandy beach with building in the…


Photo 1 is a lake full of flamingos.
Photo 2 is a close up of a flamingo.
Photo 3 is a parrot on a branch.
Photo 4 is palm trees at sunset.

Five photographic postcards.
Top left - view of bridge over river with palm trees on banks. captioned 'Indian Creek and 41st Street Bridge. Miami Beach'.
Top middle - view of tower beyond a lake with trees either side. Captioned 'Bok Tower at Lake…

Photo 1 is a marina with several boats.
Photo 2 is two boats at the quayside.
Photo 3 is the skyline of Miami taken from across the water.

Photo 1 is a group of nine airmen standing outside a building.
Photo 2 is an airman sitting on the front of a car.
Photo 3 is two men with tennis rackets, annotated 'Bill Hart & Mac'.
Photo 4 is a man on the shoulders of another trying to reach…

Photo 1 is a street scene at the Hotel Roxy corner.
Photo 2 is a street scene with a skyscraper in the background
Photo 3 is the skyline looking across the sea.
Photo 4 is a crowd on a pier looking at a large fish suspended by its tail.
Photo 5…


Photo 1 is a street scene with high rise buildings behind.
Photo 2 is an aerial oblique of Miami.
Photo 3 is an aerial oblique of Miami port.
Photo 4 is a busy street scene.

Photo 1 is a large round section of a building, identified as Coral Gables, City Hall.
Photo 2 is a line of palm trees in a park.

Photo 1 is a postcard of an aerial view of Miami annotated 'Miami, Fla [indecipherable] as seen from the Goodyear Blimp' and '058 RL Simpson'.
Photo 2 is the skyline of Miami at night.
Photo 3 is a postcard view across water to the Miami skyline.…

Top left - thirteen men sitting and standing in a doorway. Some are wearing RAF battledress. Man at front wearing shirt and tie holds a plate. Caption 'Yakes birthday cake'.
Middle right - five men wearing khaki uniform standing on steps in front…


Top left - Inside barrack room. Six men wearing battledress sitting round a tables studying books. Two other men stand looking at them. Captioned 'a night binding'.
Top right - two men in khaki uniform standing in front of a building. Man on the…

Second page has colour photograph of Arthur Hollis, wearing blazer with medals, standing in a field at an event. Narrative covers early life in Hornchurch and Carshalton including schooling and hospital admissions. Writes of Dulwich College studies…

A sketch map of Texas showing the state disproportionately large, captioned Mayan Guest Ranch, Bandera, Texas. Underneath is text referring to points of interest in San Antonio and missions within the state.

An airman and a policeman standing on a street corner in Albany, as identified on the reverse.

A military pass used by Maurice at Cochran field.

A certificate awarded to Maurice for passing his instrument flying course.
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