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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Poland"

Number 27. He reminisces about their Easter together. Thinks two more Easters before he will see her again. Reports on weather and new arrivals bring hut up to 164 men.

Number 28. Reports new arrivals and still rumours of move. He wishes that Ursula’s letters would arrive more regularly as they seem to come in a surge about once a month. News of war is encouraging but progress slow.

Number 34. He writes thanking her for the photos and comments on his daughter’s progress. Mentions it is his Dutch colleagues 3rd anniversary of their departure from home when country was invaded.

Reports arrival of medicine which he hope will resolve sense of taste issue. Little recent mail but believes many enroute.

Number 43. Mentions near completion of a year, dance band show, upcoming music exams and his health.

Number 169-26. Expresses concern over her safety from new weapon and suggest that she moves if in range. Notes they have only been there a couple of weeks he writes he will not be sorry to leave as camp lacks comforts and conveniences they are used…

Letter to Miss E B Griffin, thanks her for letter and photographs, particularly of his wife, which arrived in record sixteen days. Life is monotonous but he is well fed and busy. Is lucky to be in best camp. Hopes that early letter when things were…

Thanks her for her letters and says he is fit and well. Asks if she would like to be his pin up girl and ask for photographs.

Asks how she is getting on and mentions that are void of food parcels. Says his letters are boring but they are controlled by emotions.

First correspondence to someone he knew but forgot her surname. Notes he landed in his unfortunate predicament. Hopes she still has his photograph and that he might see her soon.

Writes that there had been no letters from home and he had celebrated his second anniversary. Looking forward to getting back to England.

Writes that he is still well, gives love to all at home.

Writes that mail issue had arrived and he had had a good meal. Asks how she was getting on and regrets that long awaited date was now even further away, but he was still looking forward to it.

Thanks him for his letter and says not to worry about him. Will write again but limited post and nothing happens there anyway. Looking forward to seeing them again sometime.

Thanks them for present of cigarettes and tobacco. Good to hear that tobacco crops had been good that year.

Writes that he was keeping fit and had received letters. Comments spring was near and they had had good weather in contrast to winter. Longs to be free.

Writes a card because he is in the mood. Reminisces of home and says he had received all their parcels. Writes that he does not need any more clothes. Catches up with family news and mentions other mail received.

Writes of delays in mail from home. Asked if the government have published their plans for ex servicemen yet. Mentions Rhodesian prisoner arriving from Italy recently. Says they are all keeping fit.

Reports arrival of latest letters. Speculates over when they could get to England after the war and whether he will be sent directly home. Mentions land settlement and passes on news of a friend.

Reports arrival of letters dated January and comments on news about Christmas at home and other news.

Writes that he would be thinking of them both on their birthdays. Asks what they would like him to buy them as present in England when he was released.

Writes that he is well and mentions activities and future ambition to farm and asks for her views.

Writes to let him know that all was going well and thanks him for letter and offer to take him on at the farm. Catches up with family news.

Writes that he saw a friend of Harry's while watching a soccer match in another compound. Had not met him before but could not have long chat [censor blacked out]. Mentions seeing other acquaintance.

Asks for suggestions of what he could get as a present for his parents in England, once he got out.
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