Browse Items (23 total)

  • Tags: RAF Waterbeach
  • Type is exactly "Photograph"

A large group of airmen arranged at the front and on top of a Lancaster. The image has a squadron crest at the top. Behind the aircraft is an open hangar.

Seven aircrew leaving a Lancaster 'A’, parked on a dispersal with bomb doors open following a daylight operation to Duisburg 14 October 1944. All aircrew are wearing life vests, carrying crew bags and helmets; two wearing Sidcot suits, two with…

Group of 6 airmen in uniform in formal pose standing in front of an aircraft. The letters LN-B are visible on the aircraft. All 6 men are wearing side caps. Three men on the front row are wearing flying jackets. Reverse annotated with: '99 Sqn…

Top - seven aircrew all wearing battledress standing in two rows. Captioned 'Geo Wilcock (Nav 1), Nobby Clarke (Nav 11), Dave Hicks (W/Op), rish Miller (pilot), Sid Loseby (R.G.), Ron Baker (M.U.G.), Allan Edwards (F.E.)'. Titled 'Warboys Huntingdon…

Seven airmen in two rows at the rear of a Lancaster, JI-N'. Four are identified with annotations - 'Len Thatcher, Hank Snow, Denis Bradbury, Woody Freamo'.

An air-to-air photograph of three Stirlings Mk 1s in flight in April 1942. They were with 1651 Heavy Conversion Unit based at RAF Waterbeach. Nearest two aircraft are ex-15 Sqn with 'LS' squadron code painted or partially out. This item was sent to…

Navigational computation for an operation to Hamm. Also included is a vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing operation.

A vertical aerial photograph of the attack on Heligoland island. Most of the island is obscured by bomb explosions. Submitted with caption; “Actual photo taken over Heligoland submarine pens during 1000 bomber raid April 1945.”
The image is…

Two photographs of Jim.
Photo 1 is submitted with caption; “Self Dec. 1943”.
Photo 2 has Jim standing beside a Lancaster tyre and is submitted with caption; “At 514 Sqdn, Waterbeach.”

Seven RAF crew, standing in front of the rear end of a Lancaster Bomb bay, next to a record of 514 Squadron Operations, submitted with caption; “Flying Officer Norman James Eley and crew, RAF Waterbeach June 1945”.
Annotated 'Good Luck!…

Jim standing with his crew at the starboard side of their Lancaster 'J'. Submitted with caption; “L-R, Sgt Pugh, Sgt Cook, Sgt Baker, Jim Eley, Sgt Fox, Sgt Austin, F/O Eykyn. RAF Waterbeach. 514 Squadron”.

Large group of airmen and ground crew arranged on, around and on top of a Lancaster, in front of a hangar. The photograph is in a mount with the RAF crest at the top and underneath '514 Squadron, RAF, Waterbeach, 1945'.

This item was sent to the…

Item 1 - wireless operator's station inside a Lancaster.
Item 2 - in-flight view across the starboard wing of a Lancaster.
Item 3 - in-flight view of the mid-upper gun turret.
Item 4 - caption 'RAF Waterbeach 514 Squadron Operational'.


Item 1 - seven airmen sitting on top of Lancaster JI-N 'PB145'. One man is sitting on the mid-upper gun turret. Underneath is 'Rosebud'.
Item 2 - an airman standing on a port outer engine.
Item 3 - two airmen standing with their hands in their…

Item 1 - photo of seven airmen at the front of a Lancaster. 81 operations are recorded on the nose. There are flags of Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the UK. In the background is a second Lancaster.

Item 2 - a telegram to Flying Officer Freamo…

A group of seven airmen sitting on top of a Lancaster, JI-N, PB142. One man is sitting on the mid-upper turret. Underneath is 'Rosebud'.

From the left the crew is: wireless operator / air gunner Sergeant Denis Carlos Bradbury 198880 (1811449), mid…

Navigational computations and a chart for an operation to Siegen. Also included is a vertical aerial photograph.

Seven airmen in flying gear standing at the rear of a Lancaster. On the reverse are signatures of the seven airmen.

Seven airmen standing at the rear of their Lancaster. They are wearing their flying gear. On the reverse -
'W Hough M.U.G.
R Bridge R/G
P. Rahill F/E
S Highfield WOP
B Vineberg B.A.
J.F. Ness Pilot
all the best
M.A. Catty Nav'

A formation of three Stirlings flying over Cambridgeshire. [nb. The album notes suggest these were 15 Sqn aircraft. However by April 1942 when the photo was taken by Charles Brown they had transferred from 15 Sqn to 1651 Heavy Conversion Unit based…

Sergeant George Mackie (pilot) in the foreground, when instructing with 1651 Conversion Unit at RAF Waterbeach in 1942. He has his foot on the step leading into the flight engineer’s compartment from the cockpit inside a Short Stirling. Behind him…

Navigational computations and a chart for an operation to Wuppertal, Vohwinkel marshalling yards. A vertical aerial photograph taken during the attack is included and has the annotation '200 yds 280°' and on the reverse '200 yds 280° Bomb door mod…

Navigational computations and chart for an operation to Vohwinkel marshalling yards. Included is a vertical aerial photograph with the annotation 'N. A/Pp and on the reverse 'Nr Haan Mod 74'.
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