Browse Items (674 total)

  • Type starts with "Map"

A copy of a map showing the crash site of the Halifax, LW 337 and their target of Hitler's Chancery.

Map showing air route from England to Aachen then escape route through Belgium, France, Spain, Gibraltar and back to Pembroke Dock and London. Top left - badge of Comète with aircraft in flames and star on blue background.

Map (Newcastle to Prague) showing route from Cambridge to between Rotterdam and the Hague, marked with arrows 'supply dropping areas'. Route continues to Wesel, Onsnabruck, Bremen, Hamburg, Hannover, Bielefeld, Hamm, Dortmund, Essen and return to…

Aeronautical map showing Lincolnshire from the Humber, the Wash and north Norfolk.

1:3,000,000 map of Italy and the Balkans, Greece, Romania and western Turkey. Two versions of same map, second with country borders marked.

Shows routes on bombing operations (red), journeys by train (green), prison camps, routes walked, shot down, captured. Notes dates liberated and returned to England.

Map of France with parts of Netherlands. Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Italy.

Map with handwritten annotations for some camps including Dulag Luft, Stalag Luft 1 (mistakenly labelled Stalag Luft II), Stalag Luft 3, Stalag Luft 6 and Stalag 8B

Map showing most of Germany and parts of Poland, Austria and Hungary.

An undetailed map of Germany with Reichswald Forest annotated on.

Coloured map from United Kingdom East Anglia to east of Poland and from South Sweden to North Italy and Yugoslavia. Some towns including Berlin, Munich, Nuremberg, Stuttgart and others which are unreadable are circled.

Large map with part of Netherlands and Germany on wall. Submitted with caption 'mreu8 001 4 MREU Operations Map Hamburg 1946'

A 1:250,000 scale colour map of Hannover.

Item 1 is a map of Holbaek with the crash site and the location of two bodies and five survivors. It is captioned 'Where the crew and plane landed south of Holbaek.'
Item 2 is a letter to Roy Maddock-Lyon's father confirming that his son is missing.…

Map of the area near La Reid, Belgium annotated to show the area of the farm at Vioux Pre near to Bois de la Reid.

Map showing Cherbourg to Le Havre with route marked.

Chart from Newcastle to Prague showing routes to Nuremburg area and then back through the Netherlands and Belgium.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Maps showing England and Western Germany with very faint route to east Germany.

Shows northern Italy, Corsica and part of Dalmatian coast.

Shows route across English Channel north of Paris to Mailly-le-Camp and return.

Copy of map with several small villages. Marked with numbered crosses. Annotated '1 Forest where a lot of bombs dropped, 2 Chapel which was destroid [sic] form bombs, 3 place where Philip came down with the parachute, 4 Crash place'.

Map showing Germany, Poland, East Prussia, Czechoslovakia and Austria with parts of surrounding countries. Camps marked as red dots. Document with corrections to map

Showing names of prisoner of war camps in Germany, Czechoslovakia, Austria and Poland. Presented by British Prisoners of War Relatives Association.

A newspaper cutting with a map of prisoner of war camps.

A detailed map of Saint-Maximin. It is marked with four aircraft crashes - a Halifax (3 deaths) two Lancasters (one death) and a Mosquito (three deaths).
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