Browse Items (217 total)

  • Coverage is exactly "Wehrmacht"

Side view of an airborne Fw 190.


Fritz Hundhausen's account of the events at Essiggasse 6 (Inn ‘Stadt Frankfurt’), air raid shelter at the Karl Hospital.

Propaganda leaflet aimed at German-speaking population.
This document mimics recruitment material seeking volunteers for the U-Boat service. It is in interactive form and shows a seaman dropping into a watery grave. It quotes the average life…

A card with text and an insert that is pulled down to reveal more text -
(text visible at first)

We journey against England.


(text visible after pulling tab)


We journey…

An identity card issued to Fred Hooker at Dulag Luft.

An identity card issued to Fred Hooker when he was captured.

Claims Hitler has not talked about losses in Russia since 11 December (162,000 German soldiers dying in 162 days). Compares this to the lack of information and incorrect numbers given after the Poland Campaign. Hitler now having to use other groups…

Four postcards of German Army activity. #1 is four infantry in a shallow trench using optical rangefinders and binoculars. #2 is a tracked vehicle pulling a field gun. #3 is of the Erfurt Artillery Barracks.#4 is of German parachutists being dropped…


Cutting 1. Headlines: final axis collapse in Tunisia, all organised resistance at an end, mounting total of prisoners now 150,000, von Arnim captured. Cutting 2. Headlines: a great victory acclaimed, the King's congratulations to General Eisenhower,…

All marked 'Secret'. They are dated 6th June and give situation reports about the Allied lines and enemy ground, air and rail activity.

Article 1. Headlines: German troops occupy Vichy France, armistice agreement at end, Hitler's message to Pétain, defence against imminent allied attack. German forces enter unoccupied France to defend against allied attack. Article2. Headlines;…

A cemetery with three rows of crosses arranged formally. Behind is a tall memorial structure.

Identification kindly provided by Gian Paolo Bertelli.

Note to Major Gordon Lett regarding French, Yugoslav, Czechoslovak, Austrian, and French personnel who have deserted the German army and have joined the Resistance in Liguria.


Cutting 1 headlines: Russians capture Stalino, Germans thrown out of Donetz basin, enemy reduced to three railway lines westward. Cutting 2 headlines: Hitler rages at Italy, treachery of surrender, Germany to fight alone. Cutting 3 headlines: Germans…

Newspaper cutting. The whole German fighter force operating over Normandy forced to operate from bases more that 130 miles away. Report that German propaganda about flying bombs wearing thin. Problems of German soldiers with lack of sleep in…

Description of attack by bomber command Halifax aircraft on synthetic oil plants. Mentions German jet aircraft.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Sub headlines: perimeter breached by air and tank attack, defenders determined resistance, Bardia reported in enemy hands. Article contains account of fall of Tobruk to German forces on 21 June 1942. States 25000 prisoners and German forces in Bardia…

First partial article: after Bir Hakem account of recent activity in desert campaign mentioning German tank tactics. 27-mile perimeter, mentioning that Tobruk was indefensible against really determined attack, Second article. British losses in…

Five photographs that show the devastation of vehicles, animals and buildings caused by the air attacks on the German forces attempting to escape through the Falaise Gap. Captioned 'Falaise "Gap" '.


Eight photographs of Ernst and family.
A folder and a letter.
Photo 1 and 4 are the same and are of the ceremony at the church with the priest officiating. Attending are boy choristers and many villagers. Arrowed and aannotated are 'Bgmstr…

Two photographs of eight men, some in remnants of German military uniform, standing in a row, wall of building in the background, the reverse of one photograph has 'Cellie' handwritten.


A call from the German Field Marshall Friedrich Paulus to his comrades and to the German people via radio 'Freies Deutschland' while he is a prisoner of war in Russia. After a call for reflection in August 1944 he feels he has to speak again despite…

Titled "Here are your allies" the booklet highlights Italy's alliance of with a harsh and hypocrite regime. It provides short bios and photos of key Nazi leaders, condemns antisemitism, denounces Nazi massacres and the oppression of religion, and…

An aircraft recognition card with a side drawing of a flying Dornier Do17 and on the reverse three silhouettes and technical details.
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