Four Bomber Command Intelligence Reports
Four Bomber Command Intelligence Reports
All marked 'Secret'. They are dated 6th June and give situation reports about the Allied lines and enemy ground, air and rail activity.
Temporal Coverage
Spatial Coverage
Four typewritten sheets
This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0). It has been published ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre. For more information, visit and
[inserted] D726 [/inserted]
[underlined] SECRET BY TELEPRINTER. [/underlined]
To: Headquarters, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Groups.
From: Headquarters, Bomber Command.
[underlined] BOMBER COMMAND INTELLIGENCE REPORT NO. 652. [/underlined]
6 Jun.
[underlined] Situation Report as at 1000 hrs. 6 Jun. [/underlined]
Abbeville – Amiens. The following line held by Allies Estres, Grattepanche,, Baccual, Ailly Wood, Saissemont, Hallencourt, Behen, Valines, Acheux, Hautebut.
Reye vicinity. Apart from Chalnes – Hattencourt pocket, most of original position held. Allette situation confused. Enemy reported to have reached Vezaponin.
Rethel – Neufchatel. Nothing to report.
Between Sedan and Rhine strong enemy at Puttelange.
[underlined] Duty Intelligence Officer. [/underlined]
T. of O. 1730 hrs.
[underlined] Distribution: [/underlined] (not to be teleprinted)
C. in. C. 1.
Narrative Officer 1.
French Mission 1.
File 1.
[page break]
[inserted] D728 [/inserted]
[underlined] SECRET BY TELEPRINTER. [/underlined]
To: Headquarters, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Groups.
From: Headquarters, Bomber Command.
[underlined] BOMBER COMMAND INTELLIGENCE REPORT NO. 654. [/underlined]
6 Jun.
[underlined] Situation Report as at 1300 hrs. 6 Jun. [/underlined]
In the Abbeville area enemy pressure is increasing and a concentration of AFV’s has been reported in rear of the line.
Night reconnaissance revealed much activity between St. Quentin and Peronne.
The Allied line now runs as follows: Pontoise – Blerancourt – Crecy – Au-Mont and along waterway Ailette Canal to Rive Aisne.
[underlined] Duty Intelligence Officer. [/underlined]
T. of O. 2120 hrs.
[underlined] Distribution: [/underlined]
C. in. C. 1.
Narrative Officer 2. [symbol]
French Mission 1.
File 1.
[page break]
[inserted] D723 [/inserted]
[underlined] SECRET BY TELEPRINTER [/underlined]
To: Headquarters, No. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Groups.
From: Headquarters, Bomber Command.
[underlined] BOMBER COMMAND INTELLIGENCE REPORT NO. 649 [/underlined]
6 June
[underlined] Enemy ground activity. [/underlined]
Hurricane aircraft reconnoitring 5 June reported inactivity all roads St. Pol, Doullens, Heudin, railway station St. Pol appeared serviceable with rolling stock in it and railway stations Doullens and Mosdin have not been bombed. Barrage Balloon seen ten miles north west of Amiens.
[underlined] G.A.F. Air Transport [/underlined]
Photographs taken of Guise-Villers aerodrome 1200 hrs 5 June shows ten large and eighteen small aircraft. Pilot reported considerable activity and several large aircraft landing while he was over aerodrome.
Sheet 116. 0954.
Considerable transport activity continues also to Brussels, St. Quentin, Amsterdam, and from Wiesbaden area to Charleville and Philippeville, the two latter places being probably supply depots.
[underlined] G.A.F. Bombing Operations [/underlined]
Attacks on south west and south east Paris were renewed night 4.5 June. On 4 June six possibly seven Long Range Bomber Geschwaders were identified operating probably considerable more were actually employed.
Flight Lieutenant.
[underlined] Duty Intelligence Officer. [/underlined]
T. of O. 0330 hrs.
[underlined] Distribution: [/underlined]
C. in C ……..1
Narrative Off.… 2 [symbol]
French Mission … 1
File …….. 1
[page break]
[inserted] D724 [/inserted]
[underlined] SECRET BY TELEPRINTER. [/underlined]
To: Headquarters, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Groups.
From: headquarters, Bomber Command.
[underlined] BOMBER COMMAND INTELLIGENCE REPORT NO. 650. [/underlined]
6 Jun.
[underlined] Situation Report at 6 Jun. [/underlined]
0500 hrs. 51st Division now holding general line Hocquincourt – Lineux – Bethen – Acheux – Valines – Bourseville – Hautebut. Line intact.
0100 hrs. Abbeville area (1) Ochancourt and Franleu captured. (2) Bettencourt – crossed Somme between Picquiny and Ailly. (3) French hold line Guignenicour – Vers – Dury – Cettenchy. (4) Enemy tanks on Amiens – Montdidier and Peronne – Roye roads. (5) Chauny – no change.
French attacked column on Libons – Chaulnes road.
[underlined] Enemy Air Activity. [/underlined]
Rouen attacked continuously between 1845 hrs – 1950 hrs. Objectives Setteville Station and Rou – Ray camp. Dive bombing attacks; one aircraft brought down. Boos aerodrome attacked by large formation of Bombers and fighters. Aerodrome not damaged. Seven enemy aircraft brought down.
[underlined] Enemy Rail Activity. [/underlined]
Most important railheads appear to be Libramont, Hirson, Carignan. Considerable rail activity Trier – Luxembourg – Arlen – Neufchateau – Jennelle – South of Marcque – Namir, Aachen – Vise, Aachen – Maastricht.
[underlined] Duty Intelligence Officer. [/underlined]
T. of O. 1255 hrs.
[underlined] Distribution: [/underlined]
C. in. C 1. [symbol]
Narrative Officer 2.
French Mission 1.
File 1.
[underlined] SECRET BY TELEPRINTER. [/underlined]
To: Headquarters, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Groups.
From: Headquarters, Bomber Command.
[underlined] BOMBER COMMAND INTELLIGENCE REPORT NO. 652. [/underlined]
6 Jun.
[underlined] Situation Report as at 1000 hrs. 6 Jun. [/underlined]
Abbeville – Amiens. The following line held by Allies Estres, Grattepanche,, Baccual, Ailly Wood, Saissemont, Hallencourt, Behen, Valines, Acheux, Hautebut.
Reye vicinity. Apart from Chalnes – Hattencourt pocket, most of original position held. Allette situation confused. Enemy reported to have reached Vezaponin.
Rethel – Neufchatel. Nothing to report.
Between Sedan and Rhine strong enemy at Puttelange.
[underlined] Duty Intelligence Officer. [/underlined]
T. of O. 1730 hrs.
[underlined] Distribution: [/underlined] (not to be teleprinted)
C. in. C. 1.
Narrative Officer 1.
French Mission 1.
File 1.
[page break]
[inserted] D728 [/inserted]
[underlined] SECRET BY TELEPRINTER. [/underlined]
To: Headquarters, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Groups.
From: Headquarters, Bomber Command.
[underlined] BOMBER COMMAND INTELLIGENCE REPORT NO. 654. [/underlined]
6 Jun.
[underlined] Situation Report as at 1300 hrs. 6 Jun. [/underlined]
In the Abbeville area enemy pressure is increasing and a concentration of AFV’s has been reported in rear of the line.
Night reconnaissance revealed much activity between St. Quentin and Peronne.
The Allied line now runs as follows: Pontoise – Blerancourt – Crecy – Au-Mont and along waterway Ailette Canal to Rive Aisne.
[underlined] Duty Intelligence Officer. [/underlined]
T. of O. 2120 hrs.
[underlined] Distribution: [/underlined]
C. in. C. 1.
Narrative Officer 2. [symbol]
French Mission 1.
File 1.
[page break]
[inserted] D723 [/inserted]
[underlined] SECRET BY TELEPRINTER [/underlined]
To: Headquarters, No. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Groups.
From: Headquarters, Bomber Command.
[underlined] BOMBER COMMAND INTELLIGENCE REPORT NO. 649 [/underlined]
6 June
[underlined] Enemy ground activity. [/underlined]
Hurricane aircraft reconnoitring 5 June reported inactivity all roads St. Pol, Doullens, Heudin, railway station St. Pol appeared serviceable with rolling stock in it and railway stations Doullens and Mosdin have not been bombed. Barrage Balloon seen ten miles north west of Amiens.
[underlined] G.A.F. Air Transport [/underlined]
Photographs taken of Guise-Villers aerodrome 1200 hrs 5 June shows ten large and eighteen small aircraft. Pilot reported considerable activity and several large aircraft landing while he was over aerodrome.
Sheet 116. 0954.
Considerable transport activity continues also to Brussels, St. Quentin, Amsterdam, and from Wiesbaden area to Charleville and Philippeville, the two latter places being probably supply depots.
[underlined] G.A.F. Bombing Operations [/underlined]
Attacks on south west and south east Paris were renewed night 4.5 June. On 4 June six possibly seven Long Range Bomber Geschwaders were identified operating probably considerable more were actually employed.
Flight Lieutenant.
[underlined] Duty Intelligence Officer. [/underlined]
T. of O. 0330 hrs.
[underlined] Distribution: [/underlined]
C. in C ……..1
Narrative Off.… 2 [symbol]
French Mission … 1
File …….. 1
[page break]
[inserted] D724 [/inserted]
[underlined] SECRET BY TELEPRINTER. [/underlined]
To: Headquarters, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Groups.
From: headquarters, Bomber Command.
[underlined] BOMBER COMMAND INTELLIGENCE REPORT NO. 650. [/underlined]
6 Jun.
[underlined] Situation Report at 6 Jun. [/underlined]
0500 hrs. 51st Division now holding general line Hocquincourt – Lineux – Bethen – Acheux – Valines – Bourseville – Hautebut. Line intact.
0100 hrs. Abbeville area (1) Ochancourt and Franleu captured. (2) Bettencourt – crossed Somme between Picquiny and Ailly. (3) French hold line Guignenicour – Vers – Dury – Cettenchy. (4) Enemy tanks on Amiens – Montdidier and Peronne – Roye roads. (5) Chauny – no change.
French attacked column on Libons – Chaulnes road.
[underlined] Enemy Air Activity. [/underlined]
Rouen attacked continuously between 1845 hrs – 1950 hrs. Objectives Setteville Station and Rou – Ray camp. Dive bombing attacks; one aircraft brought down. Boos aerodrome attacked by large formation of Bombers and fighters. Aerodrome not damaged. Seven enemy aircraft brought down.
[underlined] Enemy Rail Activity. [/underlined]
Most important railheads appear to be Libramont, Hirson, Carignan. Considerable rail activity Trier – Luxembourg – Arlen – Neufchateau – Jennelle – South of Marcque – Namir, Aachen – Vise, Aachen – Maastricht.
[underlined] Duty Intelligence Officer. [/underlined]
T. of O. 1255 hrs.
[underlined] Distribution: [/underlined]
C. in. C 1. [symbol]
Narrative Officer 2.
French Mission 1.
File 1.
Great Britain. Royal Air Force, “Four Bomber Command Intelligence Reports,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 17, 2025,
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