Letter from David Boldy to his father



Letter from David Boldy to his father


Letter from David Boldy to his father about being on the waiting list for the Royal Air Force volunteer reserve and daily life of relatives and friends. Describes black out precautions in London pointing out how he got used to see in the dark. Thinks of taking driving lessons.




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Two page handwritten letter


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59, Bathurst Mews,
Lancaster Gate,
London, W.2.,
9th October, 1939.

My own darling Dad,

Thanks ever so much for your letter and all your news. Did Haik Mack[sic] Tell you what Raymond and Noel were doing? As a matter of fact I shall probably give Raymond a look up one of these days and see what he is doing.

At the moment I am on the waiting of the R.A.F.V.R. (Volunteer Reserve); of course I may be called up under the conscription act Id not know yet. Hitler is a damn nuisance he won’t ever let us wage war in peace, - with his absurd peace proposals which hardly show any signs of compromise at the moment anyway.

Last Wednesday I saw Cecil & Ron off at Paddington, they have gone to Bristol where Kings’ has reopened. I don’t know what Cecil will do as he is also on the R.A.F.V.R. [deleted] Volunteer [/deleted] Ron is not yet so.

On Monday last I saw Steve off at Liverpool Street. He is getting on well at Mancaster. He met Freddie who was at school with us. He also met Charles one the undergrads: who was on the farm with us. I shall write to Charles shortly.

[page break]

I am fed up doing nothing. I [deleted] sa [/deleted] phoned up Bill the other day – Bill was on the boat with us. We went out together. We also went out yesterday. When I was at Jan’s place a few days ago I met Alice a friend of Jan’s. we had dinner at the Marble Arch Corner House. She is quite amusing, though she talks too much.

I see [indecipherable] frequently and one of these days I shall be going to lunch with him, and Helen and Basil.

We are all getting on well. I am now getting black out eyes – I mean I can walk about quite well in the dark. [deleted] I [/deleted]

I am thinking of taking driving lessons. I don’t think I shall need many as I [deleted] should [/deleted] hardly think I have forgotten how to drive. I should like to take flying lessons while I am waiting but there is nothing doing am the moment.
No more today. God bless you. With lots of love and kisses from
your loving son




David Boldy, “Letter from David Boldy to his father,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/494.

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