Letter from Bill Akrill to Mary



Letter from Bill Akrill to Mary


Bill writes they are still waiting to find out what is happening to them. Catches up with friends news who went abroad for training. Discusses which crops have been successful this year and how good the tomatoes she sent were (although some were over-ripe and went bad quickly).

Bill comments that 'the wretched aerodrome's spread it's [sic] tentacles as far as Potter Hill'.

Mentions night flying and upcoming grand dinner in Portpatrick.




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Four page handwritten letter


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No 1436220 L.A.C. Akrill,
Hut 20.
No 4 A.O.S.,
West Freugh,
Wednesday 9. Sept 1942
Dear Mary,
As I got your letter this morning and it’s pay parade tonight, I thought I’d get this off. I was very pleased to get both your letters. Good grief I [underlined] must [/underlined] have sounded fed up!! Well I suppose every body’s apt to now and then but I’m glad to say it doesn’t last long with me. It’s this not knowing what’s going off that gets everybody down. We just can’t get to know what’s happening to us. Still I think we have got the satisfaction of finding out something definite about leave tho’ by roundabout means. It’s certain that there is not much chance of leave on the 18th and in fact little chance of any at all here. Even as I’m writing this somebody comes along with some story that we might be getting leave after all!! So you see how things stand!!! I think the best thing is to forget all about it & take what turns up. Don’t know how long we’ll be here
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or when & what exams we’re getting.
I was interested to hear about Leonard Johnson. Suppose he must have gone as “straight A.C.” as I can’t think how he’s managed to pass out so quickly otherwise. I think Ray Ward went to Rhodesia but I’m not sure. Have heard from several of our boys out in Miami U.S.A., living in luxurious hotels & getting marvellous food – every sort of fruit they want. Just think, if my name hadn’t begun with “A” I [deleted] might [/deleted] [inserted] would [/inserted] have been there too! Still I’d have had no chance of leave then!!! Or at least no chance of getting home.
What a pity about the greens. You looked like having such a good lot & the garden looked such a picture when I was home last. I guess it must be heart-breaking for you after all the work you’ve put in. It takes some doing. Glad the tomatoes are so good. Afraid I had a calamity with the last lot. There were more squashed than I thought & as I went out on Sat I didn’t open them up again ‘till Sunday & they’d gone quite bad. I think they must have been a bit too big & ripe. The first lot were lovely. Yes I’d certainly like some more
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[underlined] 3 [/underlined]
if only they could be got here safely.
It’ll be nice to have the new rose trees. They’re just the thing for that bed. What sorts are they I wonder. I suppose you mean the pups are a mischievous pair. I havn’t [sic] seen Peggy yet.
Do you mean 3/- a night for ARP?
So the wretched aerodrome’s spread it’s tentacles as far as Potter Hill. I think Bomber Command will soon have taken possession of all of the Eastern side of the country.
Remember me to Joyce will you. I’m afraid I havn’t [sic] got her letter answered.
Had a letter from David yesterday & he sent me a group photo of his “flight” or whatever they call it in the navy. He looked very well in uniform & very fit too. He’s getting the advantage of fine weather, says its sweltering down there, tho’ it seems incredible up here. Still I remember Eastbourne. By the way I heard from some friends there a bit since & they’re still getting the usual.
On night-flying tonight so we get all tomorrow off as we don’t get down till 6. That’s the good thing about night flying.
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I must toddle off to collect my stuff.
We’re holding a grand dinner (& general booze up I expect) a week tomorrow in Portpatrick, a nice little seaside village near here. I shall go tho’ it’s not my line. Still life’s a bit monotonous & I guess I can manage to enjoy myself without acting daft.
I’ve heard where there might be some white heather growing so I’ll see if I can find you a bit. I’ve been looking out for some all along.
Well, honest. There’s nothing at [underlined] all [/underlined] to write about as nothing different happens!
Best of love to all of you,
Enclosing £2.
Hope to see you sometime before long
[underlined] Cheerio [/underlined]
P.S. Sat. The cucumber was simply delicious. Could do with another when you send my washing next week if there is one. Thank mum for letter. Better let David have the Photo if he come up.



William Akrill, “Letter from Bill Akrill to Mary,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 27, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/18061.

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