Letter to David Donaldson from his mother
Letter to David Donaldson from his mother
Birthday letter to David from his mother. She's mismanaged the day and will have to send a telegram as well. Other family chat about birthday presents. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.
Temporal Coverage
Four page handwritten letter
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Jan 30
Dearest David
I feel so stupid, I thought Jan 31st was Monday & that I should be in plenty of time catching the early post today (Saturday) & to my horror I realise that Monday is Feb 1st & your birthday tomorrow & that I have missed the post – so I shall have to be content with a telegram to say many happy returns of the day. I have been racking my brains to think of a present to send you
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came to the conclusion a book was the only possible one, & then tried to find one with small success, I bought Ann Bridges last. thinking it might be soothing like most of hers, but glancing idly at it I find to my horror that its all about war in Spain & I don't think you will much want to read it, if you have the energy send it back & I will send you another – I always think the loveliest birthday present I ever had was the enormous pink azalea you
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gave me on my birthday nearly 3 years ago – I never forget it or cease to feel grateful to you for giving it to me, that & the little packet of odd treasures you liked to put under Nannies & my pillows when you were a small boy & thought we deserved a treat, I've got one still – all ready to show Frances for a treat.
Papa as got a cold & a cough he's not very bad, but thank goodness had a slight temperature
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this morning so stayed at home, to his horror last time he took the temperature it had gone, & now he feels a fraud which is almost worse than having influenza he feels.
I hope your cake arrived safely, & was eatable.
Very much love, I am so glad you have got your old navigator back & that you like the place where you are – very much love from us both
Yours with love
Dearest David
I feel so stupid, I thought Jan 31st was Monday & that I should be in plenty of time catching the early post today (Saturday) & to my horror I realise that Monday is Feb 1st & your birthday tomorrow & that I have missed the post – so I shall have to be content with a telegram to say many happy returns of the day. I have been racking my brains to think of a present to send you
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came to the conclusion a book was the only possible one, & then tried to find one with small success, I bought Ann Bridges last. thinking it might be soothing like most of hers, but glancing idly at it I find to my horror that its all about war in Spain & I don't think you will much want to read it, if you have the energy send it back & I will send you another – I always think the loveliest birthday present I ever had was the enormous pink azalea you
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gave me on my birthday nearly 3 years ago – I never forget it or cease to feel grateful to you for giving it to me, that & the little packet of odd treasures you liked to put under Nannies & my pillows when you were a small boy & thought we deserved a treat, I've got one still – all ready to show Frances for a treat.
Papa as got a cold & a cough he's not very bad, but thank goodness had a slight temperature
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this morning so stayed at home, to his horror last time he took the temperature it had gone, & now he feels a fraud which is almost worse than having influenza he feels.
I hope your cake arrived safely, & was eatable.
Very much love, I am so glad you have got your old navigator back & that you like the place where you are – very much love from us both
Yours with love
F Donaldson, “Letter to David Donaldson from his mother,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 11, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/12011.
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