Letter from Ian Wynn to his wife
Letter from Ian Wynn to his wife
Writes to inform he he has moved to RAF Cranwell. Describes camp and work he is expecting to do. Is applying for leave.
Temporal Coverage
Two page handwritten letter
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HUT 39
N [underlined] o [/underlined] 3, C.O.T.U.,
West Camp, R.A.F.,
25th March 1942
My Darling,
Just a few lines in haste to inform you that I have changed my address. Surprised? I was! I was offered the chance on Monday & jumped at it.
This is an exceptionally large camp which may have its [sic] disadvantages, but it will also have quite a few advantages. At first glance it seems quite free and easy, but I am not taking that as granted yet.
I expect to work on Whitley bombers and will have no days off a week but get 72 hrs a month which will suit me better I think I can get home easier too from here.
As I have only been here
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a few hrs this evening yet I have not had time to find out much except that there is a nice swimming Pool (Indoors) here, and it looks good!! Also a [deleted] cinamera [/deleted] Cinema on the camp.
The camp is right in the wilds and is situated as near as I can make out 14-18 miles from Grantham & about 18 miles from Lincoln.
I have written to dad at Wyrley because didn’t know if you would still be there or not. I will write more as soon as I can find out things I am going to put in for 7 days [corrected] whether [/corrected] Ill [sic] get it or not is yet unknown
Well good night my love always
N [underlined] o [/underlined] 3, C.O.T.U.,
West Camp, R.A.F.,
25th March 1942
My Darling,
Just a few lines in haste to inform you that I have changed my address. Surprised? I was! I was offered the chance on Monday & jumped at it.
This is an exceptionally large camp which may have its [sic] disadvantages, but it will also have quite a few advantages. At first glance it seems quite free and easy, but I am not taking that as granted yet.
I expect to work on Whitley bombers and will have no days off a week but get 72 hrs a month which will suit me better I think I can get home easier too from here.
As I have only been here
[page break]
a few hrs this evening yet I have not had time to find out much except that there is a nice swimming Pool (Indoors) here, and it looks good!! Also a [deleted] cinamera [/deleted] Cinema on the camp.
The camp is right in the wilds and is situated as near as I can make out 14-18 miles from Grantham & about 18 miles from Lincoln.
I have written to dad at Wyrley because didn’t know if you would still be there or not. I will write more as soon as I can find out things I am going to put in for 7 days [corrected] whether [/corrected] Ill [sic] get it or not is yet unknown
Well good night my love always
Ian Archer Wynn, “Letter from Ian Wynn to his wife,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 8, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/11684.
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