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Two airmen wearing shorts and bush jackets stand in front of a building with veranda. Ben Openshaw on left hand wearing side cap. Sign on building says 'Services Rest Room'. Some figures in background.


Pilot Bob Halewood (right) and man named Mark standing in front of a laden bomb trolley with aircraft behind. Bob is wearing a non regulation scarf about his neck. Annotated on the reverse 'Bob Halewood (right) Mark (left)'; 'Bob Halewood + Mark'.…

Half length image of two airmen both wearing greatcoats and side caps. The man on the left has pilot officer rank, the man on the right sergeants rank and a medal on his coat. In the background a Wellington. On the reverse 'Granddad (right) with…

Full length image of two airmen wearing greatcoats and side caps. They both have sergeants rank and medals on their coats. In the background a Wellington. On the reverse '1. Front gunner (left),
2. Rear gunner (right),
2 rear gunner was killed when…

Full length image of two airmen wearing greatcoats and side caps standing on grass. Left man is pilot officer and the right a sergeant. Both have medals on their coats. In the background a Wellington. On the reverse '1. navigator & 2 wireless…

Two airmen standing side by side in front of a Mitchell. Submitted with caption 'Melsbroek 2a Exodus'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

The two airmen are kitted up with parachutes, gloves and thick boots. On the reverse 'Canada'.

Two airmen wearing Sidcot suits, parachute harnesses and flying helmets.


Two airmen walking along an urban street. On the reverse 'Detroit'.

A pilot and Alexander Lamb seated in a cockpit.
A second copy of the image is annotated 'Local Flying 45 myself & Skipper'.

View looking up into cockpit of a bomber with one airman in pilot's seat and one standing, both looking back.

Two pilots in the cockpit of a Stirling. They have half-turned to face the camera.

Two airmen, both wearing khaki uniform. The man on the right is RAF wearing side cap with training flash. The man on the left is USAAF. Submitted with caption 'Haps Slakis and Don Cameron in an orange grove'

Two photographs of two airmen on a launch. Both are wearing shorts.

On the left, two officers both wearing tunics with brevet and peaked caps, man on left is pilot. On the right four women. In the background an man standing and others seen through windows. Submitted with caption 'Dad unknown family'.

This item was…

Two airmen sitting in a field of long grass. One is eating and has a mug on the ground in front of him, the other is drinking from a mug. A fence line runs behind them. There are two prints of the same photograph. On the reverse of one is written: 'G…

The two men are standing behind a grave in a cemetery.

Two men in a single bed.

Three quarter length portrait of two airmen in khaki uniform eating sandwiches. Arthur Pearce is on the left wearing air gunners brevet, medals ribbons and pathfinder badge. He has warrant officer rank badge on wrist band. In the background a table…

Two airmen, one a warrant officer, standing on a gantry platform by the engine of a Lancaster with open panel.

The two men in uniform are standing beside a Nissen hut.

Two airmen standing in front of two Nissen huts. On the reverse 'Russ'.

Ben Openshaw (left) and an airmen by a cliff. The man in front is sitting wearing shorts, short sleeved shirt and side cap. In the background a huge waterfall.


Two airmen in khaki uniform standing beside the Wailing Wall.


Two men wearing swimming trunks.
On the reverse 'Radium Springs. USA'.

Additional information kindly provided by Frank Schilder.
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