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A group of airmen in military uniform outside a entrance to a building.

The photograph on the top left of the left page shows a group of people sitting on some steps outside a house.
The photograph on the top right of the left page shows a train travelling on a track situated between a cliff side and a body of water.…

A train, with multiple carriages crossing open scrubland about to enter a cutting in the hillside. There are mountains in the distance.

A steam train with multiple carriages travelling along a hillside in a hilly landscape.

The two photographs on the left page show aerial views of the countryside.
The photograph on the right page shows an aerial view of Niagara Falls.

The photographs on the left of the left page and the two photographs on the right page show aerial views of urban settlements.
The photograph on the right of the left page shows an aerial view of the countryside.

The photograph on the right page shows an aerial view of a settlement taken from an aircraft. An aircraft wing can be seen in the foreground on the right of the photograph.

Six photographs showing buildings, coasts and landscapes of Gibraltar, with annotations.
Top left shows the water catchments from the sea.
Top right shows Moorish Castle.
Middle left shows buildings of the vineyards / gasworks area on the…

A group of four men in desert uniform, three of whom are sitting and one standing, overlooking open hilly scrubland. on the reverse 'My party taking a rest on top of one of the hills. This photograph illustrates the country we had to cross on the 35…


An oblique aerial photograph of a town destroyed by bombing. The starboard wing of an aircraft obscures the bottom of the image.

A vertical aerial photograph of a destroyed truss bridge.

25 airmen posed in three rows, wearing greatcoats and caps with aircrew under training flash, in front of a row of terrace houses. On the reverse 'Keith, middle row extreme left'.

Five airmen wearing khaki shorts and shirts, two holding pith helmets, sitting and leaning on a balustrade wall by a beach. Bernard Ross is second from the left. Another shirtless man sits further along on the right. Sign on the wall states 'Officers…

Air-to-air view looking down at Halifax flying with only starboard inner engine. Captioned 'one engine flying'.

Halifax R9430 being test-flown by Squadron Leader P Dobson to determine the rate of height loss while flying on one engine.

1. An airman appears to be digging in a field. Behind him are several tents.
2. Two young men digging in a field. One is swinging a pick axe while the other is holding a spade. A tent is visible behind them.
3. A young man sitting in the sun in…

Top left: Women carrying baskets on their heads.
Top right: Big Masjidh from Harewood Rd, Ooty.
Centre left: Edge of town in the Aravankad / Wellington with terrace hillside beyond.
Bottom left: Wellington Cantonment, Coonoor.


Top right: River in parkland with tropical trees. On reverse is stamped 'Zaidas Photographers Lahore, Allahabad, Ootacamund'.
Centre left: Plains from mountainside.
Centre middle: Mountains.
Centre right: Ooty golf course.


Top left: Buildings at foot of wooded hillside.
Top right: Ooty Lake.
Middle: Ooty Golf Course with a view to the west.

On the bottom left corner, two further photographs:
Top left: view of Ooty from the Government Botanical Gardens, with Ooty…

Top left: looking down on plain from wooded hillside.
Top centre: Two men on a forested hillside.
Top right: Buildings at the foot of cleared, terraced hillside.
Bottom left: Two men in a wooded gully, A F Nye (right).
Bottom centre: Looking down…

Top left: Imperial Talkies cinema on Residency Road, Bangalore. On reverse, 'Imperial talkies Bangalore'.
Top right: St. Mary's Basilica, Bangalore.
Centre: Market Square looking into HKP Road with Sunlight Soap advertisement. On reverse, 'Market…

Top right: Ulsoor Lake (Halsur Tank), Bangalore.
Centre: Cinema. On reverse: 'Plaza talkies South Parade Rd'.
Centre right: Passenger train on single track in lush vegetation.
Bottom left: Maharajah 'Krishnaraja wodeyar' Memorial in…

Young Indian man standing in an open area. There are two storey brick buildings beyond with brick colonnade surrounding with chimneys.

A car parked in front of a large single storey thatched building. Another car in the background left. In front a sign pointing right 'To the Hippo Pools'. On the reverse 'Stayed here one night. Hippo not far away but didn't see any as the weather…

A series of brick built, flat roofed buildings with chimneys. The second storey has outward lifting shutters. There is an arched colonnade on the ground floor and a bicycle leans against one of the arches. A badminton net is erected in the courtyard…

Steam engine with two passenger carriages with open windows, travelling on a single track railway. Stone surrounded culvert passes under the track. Buildings with verandas on the terraced hillside above the railway with wooded hillsides surrounding.
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