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- Tags: RAF Upwood
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Photograph of left side nose showing cockpit canopy and part of left engine an aircrew man standing in cockpit plus another individual standing on the wing, on the reverse, hand written, der Stapanian, "Fritz" Crysler, Blenheim, A7 170TU, Upwood.
Tags: aircrew; Blenheim; observer; RAF Upwood
Target photograph of Cologne orientated with North to the bottom left. The railway complex Koln-Neustadt-Nord is in the bottom left corner and the square outline of the lake known as Aachener Weiher is in the bottom right. The River Rhine and…
RAF Upwood and RAF Warboys
Top left - five men on wearing civilian suit and hat writing in notebook and others in a variety of dress. Captioned '257 Squadron sports day Upwood 1963'.
Top right - certificate of handover of RAF Warboys to Ned Sparkes who was commander of care…
Top right - certificate of handover of RAF Warboys to Ned Sparkes who was commander of care…
Tags: RAF Upwood; RAF Warboys
Group of instructors
A group of airmen and civilians sitting and standing in three rows in front of the door to a building. Captioned 'ground instructors technique RASF Upwood for instructing at the college technology Cranwell'.
Tags: RAF Cranwell; RAF Upwood; training
A target photograph of Berlin orientated with south-east to the top. In the upper right corner the Spree river winds it way through the city. In the middle of the photograph is a significant area of glare and just below this are the docks of…
View of RAF Upwood from the air
Air to ground view of an airfield with buildings top right with Lancasters in white paint scheme parked in front, parked aircraft bottom right. Tail fin of flying aircraft bottom centre. Runway in the centre left to right.
Tags: aerial photograph; hangar; Lancaster; RAF Upwood; runway; taxiway
Airmen in sergeants mess
A large group of airmen sitting in mess anti-room. Six round a table with tankards. On the reverse 'Sgts mess dance, tues 29 October 1946, RAF Upwood, Young, Tommy Reynolds, Charlie Sergeant, Taffy Price, Stan Melvin, Glyn Jones, Sid Prince, Jock…
Tags: mess; RAF Upwood
Airmen in Ramsey Upwood
Five photographs.
#1 Seven airmen, annotated with their names.
#2 Five airmen, annotated with their names. 156 Squadron.
#3 and 4 views of Lancasters.
#5 is a rear gun turret with an airman inside, annotated 'Flt/Lt Jackson "Jacko" Tail Gunner…
#1 Seven airmen, annotated with their names.
#2 Five airmen, annotated with their names. 156 Squadron.
#3 and 4 views of Lancasters.
#5 is a rear gun turret with an airman inside, annotated 'Flt/Lt Jackson "Jacko" Tail Gunner…
Tags: 156 Squadron; air gunner; aircrew; flight engineer; Lancaster; navigator; pilot; RAF Upwood
Flight Lieutenant Doyle, 156 Squadron group photo and Norman Piercy and family
Four photographs.
#1 and 2 are head and shoulder portraits of Flight Lieutenant Doyle DFC
#3 is a group photograph of 156 Squadron at RAF Upwood.
#4 is Norman with his mother, father, and dog. This was taken on leave October 1944.
#1 and 2 are head and shoulder portraits of Flight Lieutenant Doyle DFC
#3 is a group photograph of 156 Squadron at RAF Upwood.
#4 is Norman with his mother, father, and dog. This was taken on leave October 1944.
Interpretation Report No SA 126
Interpretation of aerial photographs taken during an attack on the fishing wharves at Ostend by eleven Bostons of 88 and 226 Squadrons, Bomber Command, escorted by fighters. Two photographs are attached to the report. The first is annotated 'OSTEND…