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  • Tags: Red Cross

Confirms that message was sent to her quoting a message from her son that said from senior British officer, Stalag Luft 3 on behalf of her son that there was no truth in any information of his death.

This is his first letter from a prisoner of war camp. He is well and includes a list of items to be sent via the Red Cross.

Reg has been moved to another camp, on foot and at night. Their camp was liberated by the Americans. He is frustrated that he cannot get home since they are restricted to camp.

In response to her letter. They inform her that so far no news has been received but that if they do receive news they will contact her immediately.


Acknowledges receipt of her two letters and expressing their delight that she has received news of her husband, Squadron Leader Robert Wareing. They confirm that they have verified the broadcast and that as soon as official confirmation is received…

Says that they are pleased to hear that she has had definite news that her husband is a prisoner of war. They advise that all correspondence concerning him will now be dealt with by the Prisoners of War Department and she should write to them to…

Letter to C Baker informing him that his son Pilot Officer Donald Baker was interned unwounded in Dulag Luft.

Advising that her son has been reported missing, believed killed following the discovery of the seventh member of the crew. Confirming interment of the unidentified body in the cemetery at St. Trond and that a request for information of personal…

Writes describing at length taking daughter to welfare clinic including story of children bitten by a dog. Tells of selling flags for Red Cross. Concludes with news of damage by Mrs Stenzel.


Writes he is fit and well and had a good Christmas including special Red Cross food parcel. Still waiting for weather to be cold enough to be able to ice skate. Had just had a little snow so far. Asks if she has decided a name for the baby and…

Reports arrival of mail and cigarettes. Hopes her and baby are getting on all right and is looking forward to seeing photographs. Writes of good weather, sunbathing and his garden. Has had no notification of baby from Red Cross. Thinks that war might…

Reports arrival of letters one with photographs of the baby with which he is very pleased. Discusses progress of war and expectations of the end before Christmas. Mentions V-1s and V-2s. Says he has almost run out of cigarettes and that he they were…

A letter signed by Wing Commander R McFarlane DFC, of 50 Squadron, to Eric Coling's mother, confirming that her son is missing. It further confirms that the Red Cross Committee is working on behalf of the RAF to find Eric's whereabouts.

Confirms previous telegram that information from red cross quoting German information that her husband previously reported missing is now a prisoner of war.

Sending message to Helen Newton


Expresses regret that her husband was missing as a result of air operations to Dortmund on night 4 May 1943. Does not necessary mean he was killed and they would make enquiries through Red Cross.

The letter advises Albert's father that his son is buried in Dusseldorf.

The letter advises that Albert is 'Missing, killed in action'.

Informs him that confirmation had been received through the Red Cross that his son was killed in action on 28 January 1942. He was buried in military cemetery in Düsseldorf.

The letter advises that her husband is missing but explains he could be a prisoner of war.

Informs him that no information had been received about his son but all possible enquiries were being made.

A letter and envelope to Dick Curnock from his mother. It is full of social news.
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