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  • Tags: flight engineer

Lists details of Peter Jenkinson's aircraft, date, squadron, base, place of crash, names of crew.

Top left - looking up at an airman wearing flying helmet sitting in cockpit of a bomber. Captioned 'Me at the flight engineer's panel of a Halifax Mk V, November 1943, looking as though I know what I'm doing'.
Top right - seven aircrew wearing Mae…

Top - seven aircrew all wearing battledress standing in two rows. Captioned 'Geo Wilcock (Nav 1), Nobby Clarke (Nav 11), Dave Hicks (W/Op), rish Miller (pilot), Sid Loseby (R.G.), Ron Baker (M.U.G.), Allan Edwards (F.E.)'. Titled 'Warboys Huntingdon…

Seven aircrew wearing flying clothing, lifejackets and parachute harness, carrying parachutes, all walking in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'F/O Halloran [O'Halloran] and crew, "Lucky Luxton flew with this crew on trip to Merseburg 4/4/45, all were…

Seven aircrew all wearing battledress and side caps standing in two rows in front of a barrack block. On the reverse 'Crew Binbrook, Back: Eddie Bell m/u gunner, Roy Chapman engineer, ken Sillcock w/o, Bob Marshall pilot. Front: Steve Williams bomb…

Crew list - 'Crew, left to rigt [sic], Wilf Houseman - navigator, John Symons - wireless operator, Mike Sullivan - pilot, Gabby Edwards - engineer, Frank Pratt, bomb aimer, Larry Wilbraham, Tail Gunner, John Howeson mid upper'. Submitted with…

List of crew in which Charlie Warner flew as flight engineer, that was shot down on 3/4 September 1943. All were killed except the front gunner who was a prisoner of war.

Jon Dent's crew list includes F/O K A Smith pilot, F/O Ron Winters navigator, F/O Dave Long (NZ) bomb aimer, W/O Joe Pugh wireless operator, Sgt Dell mid-upper gunner, Sgt Taffy Jones rear gunner, self flight engineer.

Provides list of crew and next of kin with addresses. Includes Acting Flight Lieutenant H L Fry.

List of crew and next of kin. Nest of kin addresses.

Names and next of kin of crew. Flight Sergeant Ronald Johnson - WOP/Air Gunner, Flight Sergeant William Jack - air gunner, Flight Sergeant Joseph Sagar - air gunner, F/O John Berrington - pilot (Rhodesian), Acting F/L Laurence Flynn - pilot…

Names of crew including Harold Wakefield

A document with a photograph of the crew, including Hugh Jones, of the Halifax that was lost whilst on an operation on the railway at Somain. Hugh Jones was in hospital and he was replaced by Harry Brown.

Crew posed in two rows in front of plain background. Crew are listed, Back row, Ken Casey (Australian Wireless Operator), Fred McCarten (Air Gunner), Geoff Towers (Air Gunner), George Fairless (Flight Engineer), Front row Mick Miller (Australian Bomb…

A crew list of Lancaster 111, ED531, PO-T, 467 Squadron.
Captioned -
'1, F/O Mitchell RAAF (Pilot)
2 F/O St George RAAF (Nav)
3 Sgt Evans RAFVR (Eng)
4 F/O Morgan RAFVR (B/A)
5 F/Sgt Maher RAAF (Wop)
6 F.Sgt Terry RAAF (A/G)
7 F/Sgt Bolger…

Seven photographs of the crew of ED908. Each man is captioned. A main caption reads 'Crew of Lancaster ED908 (60-Z) lost on 20 July 1944, attacking a V-1 site, Foret du Croc, France'.

A group photograph with each man captioned. A further caption reads 'At around the time the crew joined 156 Squadron'.

Seven photographs of the crew. Each man has his photograph and named captioned. A further caption refers to the loss of the Lancaster at Foret du Croc.

Seven photographs of the crew of Lancaster ED908. Each man is captioned.

Seven photographs of the crew of Lancaster ED908. Each man and his trade are captioned.

Seven photographs of the eight crew of ED908. Each man is identified by name and trade.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Seven photographs of the eight crew of ED908. Each man is identified by name and trade.

Seven photographs of the eight crew of ED908. Each man is identified by name and trade.
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