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  • Tags: Window

Shows single bomb load for squadron. Includes preselection settings, route, Window and notes on reverse.

Indicates four bomb loads, one of parachute mines for gardening and three for conventional bombs for bombing. Includes preselection settings, false height settings, window, route. Annotated 'Kiel bay, Duisberg'. Notes on the reverse.

Shows one bomb load for squadron. Contains preselection settings, false height settings, Window, route and bombing notes on reverse.

Shows three bomb loads for squadron. Includes preselection settings, timings, route, target indicators and bombing method. Annotated 'Bourg Leopold'. On the reverse bombing notes.

Shows three bomb loads, one for most aircraft and two for one aircraft each. Includes timings, preselection settings, Window, route and method. Annotated 'Gennvilliers'. On the reverse bombing notes including marking by Mosquito and hand drawn map…

Indicates two bomb loads for squadron. Includes preselection settings, Window, timings, route and method. Annotated 'Mailly Le Camp'. On the reverse bombing notes. including marking and that Mosquito will drop red spot on aiming point.

Shows four bomb loads for the squadron. Includes preselection settings, Window, route and method. Mentions that Moisquito will search for and mark target. Annotated 'Toulouse'. On the reverse target marking and bombing notes.

Shows three bomb loads for squadron. Includes preselection settings, Window, route and method. Annotated 'Oslo'. Notes Fiskerton A/P green spot fire.

Shows two bomb loads for squadron. Includes preselection settings, heights, Window, method with bombing notes including target marking by Mosquito on the reverse.

4 Columns indicating four bomb loads. First two for one aircraft each. Next two B load for eight aircraft and A load for six aircraft. Includes Window weight.

Shows two bomb loads for squadron. Includes preselection settings, false height settings, Window and effort. Annotated 'Brunswick'. On the reverse a signature sheet.

Shows one bomb load for squadron. Includes preselection settings, Window, effort level and method including target marking by Pathfinder Mosquito. On the reverse, route, wave details and heights.

Shows single bomb load for squadron. Includes preselection settings, Window, zero hour and effort level. Describes method including target marking by Pathfinder Mosquito. On the reverse the route and notes.

Includes a route, zero hour, method including target marking, Window and other notes. Notes that target marking will be done by Mosquito and that they will also be attacking Hanover and Essen with red target indicators and bombs.

Shows three bomb loads but with the middle one crossed out. Includes preselection settings, false heights, Window, nickles and zero hour.

Indicates a single bomb load for squadron. Includes preselection settings, time interval settings, false height settings, timings, Window, effort level, method including Mosquito aircraft marking and route.

Bombing details of operation on Berchtesgaden. Includes preselection settings, effort, marking details and other instructions.

Details of two bomb loads for operations on night 13 February 1944. Includes preselection settings, time delays, false height settings, Window and marking and bombing method. Marked 'Scrubbed 1630' in large red letters. On the reverse details of…

Indicates two bomb loads for operations on 28 January 1944. Annotated 'Berlin' in red. Includes preselection settings, delays, false height settings, Window and target marking method.

Indicates one bomb load and includes time on target, preselection settings, distributor settings, some handwritten calculations and code words. On the reverse; marking and tactics, notes, bombing, Window and other details,

Indicates two bomb loads. Includes time on target '0400', preselection settings, and false height settings. On the reverse; marking and tactics, bombing details, Window, camera, navigation notes and other details.

Indicated two bomb loads, one for five aircraft the other for eight. Includes preselection settings and time on target. On the reverse; Marking and tactics (including by Mosquito), bombing details, Window, camera, navigation and other details.

Indicates two bomb loads, one for four aircraft and the other for seven. Includes H-hour, preselection and distributor settings, weights and fuse settings, heights and false height settings and other notes. On the reverse operation aim 'To destroy…

Indicates two bomb loads, one for eight aircraft the other for four. Includes preselection and distributor settings, heights and false height settings and other notes. On the reverse aim of operation 'to breach enemy canal' followed by target…

Indicates two bomb loads, one for five aircraft the other for eight. Includes H-hour, preselection and distributor settings, weights, heights and false height settings and other notes. On the reverse marking and tactics notes including Mosquito…
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