Browse Items (1525 total)

  • Tags: flight engineer

A line of six airmen in flying helmets and parachute harnesses. Two men are smoking cigarettes, and one man is bending over to pick up his parachute. On the reverse 'Botting, (our ex-engineer), Bob, Josh, Bill, Nick & Joe'.

Six airmen in leather flying jackets grouped under their aircraft. On the reverse -
'Crew 3
AM Clark 2nd Pilot Australian
DJ White Navigator English
SV Wilson 2nd Radio Op N.Z.
BR Southwell Captain Australian
DB Gaunt Rear Gunner Rhodesia

Six airmen in khaki in two rows in front of a Lincoln.

Six airmen wearing side caps are standing in front of a Lancaster. On the reverse they are identified as 'Jock Rear Gunner, Tom Navigator, Me Skipper, Al Engineer, Paddy Mid-upper Gunner Jock Wireless Operator'.

Six airmen, including Dennis, standing in a row in front of their Lancaster.

Six men, five wearing battledress, the other a shirt and trousers, all standing in line under the nose of a Stirling. Captioned 'Allen Gould (on the left) FE on Stirling'.
Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

The six airmen are sitting on the port inner engine of their Lancaster.
On the reverse -
'Left to Right
Jimmy Bourke - Mid upper
Self - Navigator
Fred Shepherd -Bomb-aimer (Note new brevet)
'Mac' MacFarlane - Skipper'
Nobby Clarke - Rear…

Six airmen wearing uniform below the nose of a Lancaster. Harry Fearns is in the back row, second from the left.

Six airmen photographed at the tail of a white painted bomber with twin machine guns mounted in the rear turret. Five are standing, one is seated on the grass. Harry Fearns is in the middle at the back.

Five airmen sitting on the top of a Lancaster with a sixth sitting in the cockpit. 134 operations are marked on the nose and '134 Not Out'. Lancaster LS-J.
A second copy is annotated 'Rear Gunner Skipper F/Eng Midgunner B/Aimer W/Op Nav on leave'.

Two photographs of six airmen sitting on the port inner engine of their Lancaster.
On the reverse -
'(Mildenhall) ME844
Taken @ 15 Squadron shortly after moving from 218 Squadron (Methwold)
Left to Right
Jimmy Bourke - mid upper
Self (Dennis…

Seven aircrew known as Skilling's Follies standing in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Photo edge Fred Clark, Flt Engineer UK, Dugy Cruckshank, Bomb aimer, New Zealand, Bob Martin Wirless [sic] Opp UK, Hugh Skilling Pilot New Zealand, Len Petford…

Seven airmen, four seated and three standing. One photograph has the seven airmen numbered and on the reverse they are identified -
'Mid/Up No 1 John Meadows - Epping Forest
Rear/G No 2 EA McDonald - Hull
Wirless [sic] /Op No 3 HR Martin -…

An incomplete memoir written by Geoffrey Whittle starting at age 16. At age 18 he volunteered for aircrew duties and trained at RAF West Freugh. He converted to Wellingtons then Lancasters and moved to RAF Ludford Magna in June 1943. Over Hanover…

Top - flight engineer's brevet.
Bottom - Badges for 153 and 166 Squadrons captioned 'Peter's Squadron Badges'.

Seven airmen arranged in a line. Each individual is identified at the top.

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above.

A row of seven airmen identified by information supplied with the collection as Squadron Leader G J Laird and crew at RAF Leeming. Left to right Pilot George Laird, Navigator "Red" Soeder, Bomb Aimer Joe Corbally, Wireless Op. Pat Clapham, F/E…

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above.
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