Browse Items (771 total)

  • Tags: sport

Three airmen - two wearing tunics and the third civilian clothes all on skis on snow with trees and mountains in the background. Captioned 'Ski-ing with Stan and Jonny'.


Three album pages, the first has five photographs, the first is of a street with houses on one side and trees on the other captioned 'In the town'.
The second a snow covered car on a street with the caption 'After the snow storm'.
The third a…

Photo 1 is a group of six including Dorothy and Norma, annotated 'The family at home'.
Photo 2 is Ray and Norma, annotated 'Lincoln'.
Photo 3 is Ray and colleague, annotated 'The Mess, Germany'.
Photo 4 is four airmen annotated 'The Gang'.

Ten men arranged in two rows. On the reverse 'Home Guard Edgcott U. Hall 1940's Tug of War Team'.

Twelve boys in football kit sitting and standing in two rows with wooden building in background. Captioned 'Mervyn Adder (front row. extreme right) in a Hull Grammar School football team c1934. The boy on the front row, second left is Bob Baxter a…


Letter and explanatory note. Catches up with news of father's activities. Mentions he had done quite a few operations recently including Augsburg, Schweinfurt and Stuttgart. Writes that they had to divert to a fighter base on the south coast and had…

Team chart for match with names in positions.


A summary of all major matches in Stalag IVB

Jack, dressed for tennis.


Top left - man putting shot with spectators behind.
Top middle - man putting shot with spectators behind.
Top right - man running past spectators lining track.
Bottom left - man putting shot with spectators behind.
Bottom middle - line of men on…

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Top left - group of men sprinting on track with spectators behind.
Top right - line of men running on track.
Bottom left - view from front of men running with spectators on left.
Bottom right - four men at start of sprint with started on right…

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Bottom left - man going over high jump bar.
Top right - man high jumping with officials watching on right.
Bottom right - man high jumping.

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Top left - man high jumping with official on right and other athletes in background.
Top right - four men at start of sprint, starter on rights and spectators behind left.
Bottom left - man high jumping with official on left.
Bottom right group of…

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Top left - group of men in sprint race.
Top right - group of men in sprint race.
Bottom - man winning running race.

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Top left - an RAF corporal wearing tunic and holding rings. Behind a table with children on the far side, building in the background. Captioned 'Cpl Dudrenec sports day'.
Top right - a Royal Canadian Mounted Policemen in uniform standing in the…


A large group of men wearing athletics kit sitting and standing in four rows in front of a wooden building. Sitting centre of front row three officers wearing tunics and peaked caps, the centre officer has pilot's brevet. Captioned 'Athletics team…

Two men in white athletic kit racing on running track with buildings in background.


Group of man wearing sports kit sitting and standing in a field. Man of right wears RAF uniform tunic. Captioned 'Hockey group, Cranwell 1937'.

Top left - tug of war team picking up rope. Captioned 'C Sqd tug team 1938'.
Top right - View from below of formation of four Hawker Harts. Captioned 'Harts'.
Bottom left - front quarter view of a Sunderland airborne over open countryside.…

Two men in swimming shorts by a pool. On the reverse 'Pete & I at Darr Swimming Pool. Nellie See what difference the filters make to the clouds'.

Eight men playing basketball.

11 hockey players arranged in two rows. The middle, seated man is holding a cup. On the reverse 'RAF (Egypt) 5 - Army (Egypt) 1'.
Underneath each man is named, including HW Bennett.

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For Scottish services verses the Royal Australian Air Force.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.


Top left - view across open countryside with village in the distance. Captioned 'Budleigh Salterton from the links, 12.1.44'.
Top right - A man standing on grass with seashore and bay to right and village in the distance. captioned 'Budleigh…


Group of men in fancy dress walking down a street with a car following and another parked on the right. Several men are dressed as women. Buildings in the background. Captioned 'Football Team (Officers) VE Day, 8.5.45'.

This item was sent to the…


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