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  • Tags: arts and crafts

Cartoon title 'Sergeants Stripes - Letters page 169'. Eight cartoon figures round a bunk bed in various stages of sewing on sergeant's stripes. Caption on bottom 'Getting some brevet-an-tape-stitching-on-hours in'.

A colour postcard drawing of a Sunderland.

Two men are chained to a prison wall covered in blood. The one on the left hand side has a gaping wound on his head and blood is coming from his mouth. In the foreground, a figure in fascist uniform holds a blood-stained bludgeon while an officer…

The liner Conte Rosso in dazzle pattern camouflage is sailing on a clear night with smoke rising out of the two funnels.

Label reads “30”; signed by the author; caption reads “(1) LA NOTTE dei 3000 del “CONTE ROSSO” 24 MAGGIO 1941. Ore…

In choppy water, two lifeboats are packed with people wearing military uniform. Figures are being tossed around in the sea. One figure is sinking backwards in the water with his legs in the air. Another is waving his arm in the air. Four figures, not…

The Conte Rosso is sinking bow first into turbulent waters. Men are struggling in the water and a figure is totally submerged with only his left hand raised above the water. Nearby, a man with a lifebelt marked “CONTE ROSSO” is swimming towards…

A lifeboat is about to capsize. Figures are falling helplessly into the water and one figure in a green shirt is screaming in terror whilst holding his right arm in the air. The keel of the lifeboat is above water as it tips backwards.

Label reads…

The SS Galilea has been torpedoed on its starboard side. A large explosion has caused flames to engulf the craft and black smoke is billowing upwards. Large waves are evident around the ship. Two other ships are sailing away towards the horizon, one…

Ten Alpini dressed in green and with bare feet are in the water, clinging to the outside of a round, yellow life raft. One figure is wearing a life jacket. To the right of the life raft, a further figure is being swept away and another body is…

On a clear day, two white aircraft with red crosses painted on their wings and fuselage are featured. One is flying on the horizon and the other crashing into the sea. Flames and smoke have engulfed the crashed aircraft. Nearby is a white boat with…

Six poems, five written by Water Scott of 630 Squadron. The poems recall East Kirkby, Lancasters, lost aircrew, a memorial tree with a brass plate, an old airfield and a crew reunion.

Water colour of the head and shoulders of a man sleeping with his head on a pillow. It is captioned in pencil: 'The Sparrow !' and signed by the artist 'broome'.

A cartoon of four airmen smoking pipes and cigarettes beside a sign prohibiting smoking.

Four engine bomber with undercarriage collapsed with figures of men caught in various predicaments caused by the event. On the reverse '35b Undercarriage lever'.

Song about flying an operation to be sung to the tune of "Lili Marleen". Captioned 'I wrote the words to "Lilli Marlene" [sic] whilst at 100 Squadron in 1943'.

Poem about a friend who died too soon.

A cartoon of a worker annotated 'Sonny (Britain's Lightening[sic] Worker) sews on "D" rings - or thinks about it'.

Six soldiers have captured three civilians near a high stone wall. One of the civilians has been shot in the face and is falling to the ground. The two remaining civilians have been blindfolded and have guns pointed to their heads. An officer is…

Photograph of model Spitfire with feline head nose art and squadron letters 'RE'. On the reverse '20-7-44, Spitfire, Top speed 400 MPH, 2 x 20mm cannon, 4 x 303 m/guns. 1934-1944'.

Cigarette lighter mounted on a wooden base with model Spitfire on brass rod.

Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

A Spitfire is crashing in a rural landscape. The aircraft is pictured in the act of disintegration and is in flames and trailing black smoke. The pilot has bailed out and his parachute has opened.

Label reads “243”; signed by the author;…

A colour postcard drawing of three Spitfires.

Sketch of a Lancaster with engines running. Underneath 'Spezia, 18/19-4-43, Sgt Madgett, Sgt Robinson, Sgt Palk, Sgt Bradley, Sgt Wakefield, Sgt Barker, Sgt Souter'. Signed by AOC. Supplied with caption ' Sketch of Lancaster by P/O A. Pollen drawn to…

Two manned torpedoes are exiting from a hidden hatch in the hull of the Italian auxiliary ship Olterra. Each torpedo has two figures sitting on it wearing diving suits and equipment.

Label reads “74”; signed by the authors; caption reads…
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