Sinking of the SS Conte Rosso. Part 4



Sinking of the SS Conte Rosso. Part 4


The Conte Rosso is sinking bow first into turbulent waters. Men are struggling in the water and a figure is totally submerged with only his left hand raised above the water. Nearby, a man with a lifebelt marked “CONTE ROSSO” is swimming towards him. Three lifeboats are still partially hanging from the davits, tilting heavily. Two figures are diving from the stern of the ship, whilst others are seen at the stern and on the top deck. Dark smoke is rising from the ship’s funnels.

Label reads “33”; signed by the author; caption reads “(4)… Riuscì a raggiungere il ponte di commando, strisciando a terra, racconta il capitano Predonzan, uno dell’equipaggio, mentre la nave volgeva la poppa verso il cielo. Non potei nemmeno tentare di buttarmi in acqua, fui afferrato da un gorgo tentai di allontanarmi, ma il risucchio della nave mi travolse, mentre stavo sprofondando, una forza misteriosa mi lanciò in alto, venni sbattuto a galla in mezzo a un fiotto di spumeggiante nafta, e mi trovai circondato da una melma maleodorante…”

Caption translates as: “(4)… Captain Predonzan, a member of the crew, recollects: I managed to reach the bridge, I had to crawl on the floor, while the stern of the ship was raising toward the sky. I could not even try to jump overboard, a whirlpool dragged me down. I tried to swim away, but the suction of the ship was overwhelming. While I was sinking, a mysterious force pushed me upwards and I was afloat, amongst a foaming gush of oil. I found myself surrounded by a stinking slime…”

Temporal Coverage

Spatial Coverage




One tempera on paper, pasted on mount board


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Angiolino Filiputti, “Sinking of the SS Conte Rosso. Part 4,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 28, 2024,

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