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A target aerial photograph of Osnabruck with numerous bomb craters visible.
Captioned '6195 PCK. 25-3.45//8" 16200' OSNABRUCK. Q. 1HC2000IN 11X15CP. F/O McVICAR. X/102

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of an industrial area at Osnabruck at the start of the attack.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing, seven minutes later. Much of the target is obscured by smoke and explosions.

Urban area, smoke and dust in centre of picture. Captioned '6195 PCK 25-3-45//8" 16200' 020T 10.01 OSNABRUCK. Q. 1HC2000IN 11X15CP. C 27secs F/O McVICAR X/102

Top - target photograph showing smoke from bomb explosions, small area of buildings visible bottom left corner. Submitted with description 'Aerial photo of Osnabruck after a bombing attack, showing smoke. Ministry No. C5130'.
Bottom - target…

Target photograph of Osterfeld (Oberhausen-Sterkrade). Roads and buildings are visible as are the Rhine-Herne Canal and railway running from centre left to upper right. Smoke can be seen in the lower left quadrant of the image and there is some glare…

Photo 1 - view across the port wing of a Lancaster in flight. Mostly clouds.

Photo 2 - air-to-air view from the mid-upper turret looking aft towards five Lancasters.

Photo 3 - vertical aerial photograph of Wesel, Germany during a bombing…

Target photograph. Fields and several minor roads visible. Much of the image is dotted with smoke from bomb bursts or Anti-aircraft fire and glare obscures right hand side. A Lancaster can be seen flying below. Annotated '3B' and captioned '1750 MEP…

A vertical aerial photographs of Pauillac. Cloud and smoke obscures about half of the image. There is a small ship floating on the river. Captioned '5769 BIN 4-8-44 //8 8000' [arrow] 110° 1803 Paulliac. Li. 9x1000 3x500 c 23 secs F/O Lester. N 460'.

A vertical aerial photograph of Pauillac. At the top an industrial area is on fire with much smoke and bomb craters visible. In the river a ship is lying on its side. Captioned '5789 BIN 5-8-44 //8 8000' [arrow] 110° 1907 Paulliac Li 9x1000 3x500 c…

Top left - three airmen in khaki uniform with side caps standing in line with trees in the background.
Top right - air-to-ground view of landscape with many bomb craters.
Middle left - an airman on bed in barrack room.
Bottom left - air to…

A target photograph in an album, taken on an operation to Pesaro in Italy. Roads, fields and buildings are visible and in the centre, a flash of light. The photograph is annotated 'A6' and captioned: '731. FOG. 26/27 AUG. 44 // NT. 8" 9000' -→…

A target photograph taken during an operation to Pesaro, Italy. The clear image is orientated with south at its upper edge. The Adriatic and the cliffs to the SE of Pesaro can be seen with the Strada Statale 16 running along the narrow beach. Inland…

Target photograph showing river along the bottom and roads with bomb explosions in the centre. Captioned '2461.104/43, 27/28 Dec 44, F8".//NT 5300' →, 330 degrees, 18.02, Piave/Susegana RR, BF,DG, T., [ ] x 4000 Mk III, 15 1/2, F/O Chadwick (F/O…

Target photograph of Pilsen. Completely obscured by haze, smoke, dust, light streaks and balls of light. Captioned 'V', '5B', '5152 SKELL.16/17.4.45//NT(C)8" 12750' 165° 0401. PISEN.B. 1HC4000(Tr)IN+6MC500(M2)DT46ANM64DT.27secs.F/L.RAWLE.B.61.'. On…

Vertical aerial photograph of Podgorica. The image is very clear apart from explosions and fires on the left side, a mainly industrial area. A river flows left to right with a road bridge and several roads. Captioned '22.30 40/22. 6. Nov '44…

Vertical aerial photograph of Podgorica, obscured by explosions and tracer. It is captioned 'A4 2409 40/31 19/20 Nov 44 F8"//7000' [arrow] 063°. 20.31 Podgorica Z. 1x4000 MIII 17 1/2 Sgt. Hanson 40 Sgt Boughen. B/A'

A vertical aerial photograph of Podgorica taken during bombing operations. The top half is largely obscured by anti-aircraft fire. Street patterns are visible. It is captioned '2536. 37/325. 19/20. Nov. 44. F/8"//NT. 8300' -->050° 20.30 Podgorica…

A sequence of nine vertical aerial photographs taken during the bombing of Podgorica. They are numbered 2408 to 2416. The first image shows a single bomb being dropped.
It is captioned '2408. 37/312 6. Nov. 1944. F8"//9,400' --> 1529½ D.J. 37.…

A target photograph taken during an operation to Podgorica. Half of the image is obscured by explosions and smoke. The river and the grid pattern of streets and buildings can be clearly seen. On the reverse is captioned 'With compliments from 336…

Vertical aerial photograph of the roads between Podgorica and Klopot. A river meanders across the centre, round a rock ridge. It is followed in part by a road. Captioned '2528 40/38 15 Dec '44 f8"//4,000' [arrow] 16.08 Z.Z Podgorica-Klopot Roads Sgt…

Target photograph of Poitiers. Mainly rural area, roads and buildings visible, some light streaks. Captioned '5', '936 SKELL.12/13.6.44.//NT.8" 9750' [arrow] [track and time censored] POITIERS RD.M.4X1000.12X500 [EXPOSURE CENSORED] P/O…

Target photograph of Poitiers. Rural area, no detail visible, but bombs can be seen falling. Captioned '6', '5', '933 SKELL.12/13.6.44.//NT.8" 8000' [arrow] [track and time censored] POITIERS RD.E.4X1000.12X500 [exposure censored] P/O OLIVER.E.50'.…

Target photograph of Poitiers. Urban area partially obscured by smoke, dust and light streaks. Captioned '5°F', '7B', '938 SKELL.12/13.6.44.//NT.8" 6500' [arrow] 044° 0146 POITIERS RD.J.4X1000.12X500.18secs.P/O LAIDLAW.J.50'. On the reverse…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Politz. Streaks of light and damage obscure ground detail. It is captioned '4380 Skell. 8/9 2.45//NT/(C) 8" 10000 052° 2122 Politz. T. 1HC 4000IN. 14MC 500DT. 21 secs F/L Drinkell.T.50.' On…

Target photograph of Politz. Completely obscured by haze or cloud and balls of light. Captioned '5°F', '5B', 4390 SKELL. 8/9.2.45//NT/(C).8". 11000 056° 2117 POLITZ.K. HC4000IN.14MC500DT. 21secs. F/O. BAIN.K.61.'. On the reverse 'F/O. BAIN POLITZ.…
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