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  • Tags: ground crew

A port side view of a Lincoln on the ground with an access frame at the port inner engine. On the reverse 'Lincoln Thor II being serviced by "C" shift. May. 1947'.

The nose of Lancaster 'Aries' with the front lifted up for maintenance. Two ground crew can be seen working under the nose. On the nose is painted 'Aries' and a list of locations the aircraft had been flown to.
On the reverse 'Cockpit and nose of…

Wellington HE968, starboard side, on the ground. Nine ground crew are underneath.

Six airmen arranged at the front of an aircraft. Four are standing and two are crouched.

A front view of a Wellington. Two ground crew are examining a damaged port tyre. The starboard tyre also appears to be damaged. Two other men are engaged in a discussion.
On the reverse '775 having pre-flight befor [sic] leaving Asmara, Eritrea.…

A group of men loading cargo in to a Wellington. On the reverse 'Loading cargo on 968'.

Dave is dressed in shorts and is draped in equipment. On the reverse 'Dave Davey. Fitter on 122. He's a good mate and comes from Peterboro'.

Three airmen in shorts and hats, standing beside an aircraft jack. On the reverse 'Cramp, Self and Deubert [?], servicing a jack at Bender Cassim. Aug 1946.'

Stan standing with three men. Behind is the wing and engine of a Wellington.

Six airmen, four standing and two crouched in front. On the reverse 'The Charping Chico's of Four Block. Aden. May. 1946'.

Four airmen under the front of a Wellington. On the reverse 'Graham, Guy, Sparks & 'Chicko' Khormaskar. Aden. April. 1946.'

An airman in tropical khaki and shorts with parachute, standing by a stone wall. On the reverse 'Flight Mech. Airframe (Flight Crew)'.

A Wellington with a fared over nose being inspected by two airmen. Two more airmen are in discussion on the right. The main wheels appear damaged. On the reverse 'Asmara. Eritrea. Pre-flight Inspection'.

A group of airmen and ground crew arranged in four rows in front of a Wellington with a fared over nose. On the reverse 'Comm Flight Khormaskar Aden Command March 1946-March 1947'
A post-it shows an engine and propeller with a star and 'Stanley Shaw…

A cockpit view of Stan in the right seat and another man in the left seat of a Varsity. On the reverse 'Running Up Varsity Aeropark. EMA [East Midlands Airport]'.

A large group of airmen and ground crew arranged in four rows in front of a hangar. On the ground is a covering of snow.

Photo 1 is a port side view of a Lancaster, captioned 'Our kite Beany Baker'. On the reverse of 5 '440'.
Photo 2 is of a shirtless airman sitting in the cockpit viewed from the ground. The nose art is of a Bear annotated 'Bring 'em back alive'. The…

William's pass card and a photograph of ten airmen.
RAF Form 295A issued to William containing details of his temporary leave.
The photograph is captioned 'Aircrew and Erks' and has ten men in two groups in front of a hangar.

Top, eight ground arranged round tables, captioned 'Looking fat at school'.
Bottom, four men about to hit a tool with a hammer, captioned 'Fitters?'

RAF Form 295A issued to William to allow him leave whilst at 54MU. Captioned 'On to 54.MU later to be demobbed'.

Five men sitting on top of a fuel bowser. On the reverse '22 [circled] 3 prints 4 postcards
Cyril Bell
Tony Tine
Paddy Aherne
There is a second copy.

A group of air and ground crew positioned in front of their aircraft.

Twelve servicemen, three squatting and four standing on the ground. Five further are on a raised stand or ladder leading to front fuselage of a Lancaster. Notes with names on the reverse.

Seven aircrew and three ground crew wearing either battledress or coveralls squatting and standing in four rows in front of a Lancaster. Notes of names on the reverse.

Ten servicemen most wearing battledress and side caps and one with overalls sitting on the starboard inner engine of a Lancaster.
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