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  • Tags: Stalag Luft 3

Writes that daughter is down with gastric flu and of other domestic chores. Catches up with news of previous house owner and ex-lodger. Reports that daughter has shown interest in reading and mentions her progress and dress making efforts.

Reports arrival of three letters posted July and August as well as a postcard after a 3 month gap with nothing from him. Answers points raised in his letters. Continues with news of his parents building efforts on their house and catches up with news…

Reports arrival of letter and postcard posted in September and news that next of kin parcels had stared again but she had not got anything ready. Intends to post before she leaves for holiday in Devon and hopes Red Cross hurries with things she has…

Writes that she is sending off clothing parcel and lists contents. Mentions that she now has updated map of prisoner of war camps from red cross and has a better idea of where he is now. Reports she is leaving for holiday in Devon the next day and…

Reports arriving at holiday location and activities there. Writes of visiting an auction and describing purchases. Continues with news of her activities.

Wishes him a happy new year and writes of her activities. Notes they have had sharp frosts and is nervous about pipes back at home freezing. Mentions quiet time over Christmas and covers other domestic news.

Wishes him happy returns on wedding anniversary and hopes her recent parcel has arrived. Mentions recent arrival of letter posted in October and receiving presents from her sister and his parents. Recounts recent activities of shopping and…

Writes that she has returned home to find 6 inches of snow. Mentions that her fears of frozen pipes did not happen and house was in good order. Writes of journey home and finding Christmas parcels on arrival. Continues with account of framing…

A letter written by Victor to his parents from his prisoner of war camp. He states that he is well fed and describes his camp life.

An envelope addressed to Daphne from Victor.

In the letter Victor says he is well, food is good and he has a photo of Daphne to stop him being miserable.

Catches up with news of acquaintances, post and her activities. Mentions Christmas cards, parcels and shopping problems. Continues with general gossip including news of baby son, weather and other activities.

Starts by commenting on poor weather and both she and baby having colds. Mentions plans for cinema and having tea with friend, mentions other acquaintances. Continues with news of baby photographs and other general gossip.

Hopes she and son are keeping well and that he is fit and cheerful. Mentions poor weather, someone he just met and that he had had no mail from her recently.

'Stamped this letter was delayed by German authorities and has been forwarded by allied forces'. Writes that he had cold and had received no mail. Hopes he will be home for start of fishing season. Comments on nice weather and asks after son David.…

Top - writes that he was in good health and getting plenty of food. Would appreciate cigarettes and gives address to send then to.

Bottom - Writes he is fit and well. Has met friend who sends best wishes. Asks for underwear to be sent in his…

Top - Says he is keeping well but little news. Looking forward to receiving mail.

Bottom - writes that he is fit and had been to performance at the camp theatre. Mentions pantomime starting in a few days.

Includes certificates as a prisoner at Dulag Luft and Stalag Luft 6, sketch map showing locations of prisoner of war camps, list of crew with brevets, Churchill's speech, cartoons of prisoner life, contents of Red Cross parcels, notes, signatures,…

Writes that he is due to leave current camp along with eleven officers to go to Stalag Luft 3. Asks for photographs of son David and he would have changed from the baby ones he has. Says he would be pleased to get cigarettes and asks what she thinks…

Model racing yacht with sails. It is positioned on a small stand on a table.

Two judges examining models on a table. Two men are looking to the right of the photograph. Two other men are looking at drawings and art work on the wall. There is a model of a schooner and a biplane on the table.

Royal Air Force biplane on a stand. Wheels are chocked.

The model is mounted on a stand, fore and aft. In front is an engine, gear box, drive shaft and propeller.

Detailed model of a sailing ship, It has three masts, gun ports, rigging and a flag at the rear but no sails. It is mounted on a stand.

A glider model with long thin wings and thin fuselage.
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