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  • Tags: prisoner of war

A record of the loss of a Halifax. It lists the crew and their fate - five became prisoners of war and returned safely to the UK but Cyril John
Pope (1578663) and Theodore Ian Mardon Edwards (R/97583) were killed. Their burial details are recorded.

The pastor describes the burial of prisoners and guards who were shot by low flying RAF aircraft. The pastor officiated at the burial with an English padre.
In the second part he describes damage to the cemetery during a bombardment from the other…

The letter claims the sum of £1 11/1 for clothing received whilst a prisoner of war. This sum is to offset the airman's claim for loss of kit.

Two typed sheets with handwritten annotations listing the escapees.

Two telegrams with details of the escape from Stalag Luft III.

A memoir of Bernard Scheidauer who was shot down over France but crashed on Jersey. He was a prisoner at Stalag Luft 3 and was involved in the tunnels used during The Great Escape.

A head and shoulders portrait of a prisoner of war in a greatcoat. Behind is a wooden hut with barbed wire. On the front, at the top and bottom the word 'Cut' is annotated. On the reverse are several handwritten annotations - 'Tom May'
- 'No flight…

A group of 13 POWs arranged in three rows. Behind is a timber frame building. On the reverse is 'This photo was taken in Dec '39 at Oflag IX Spangenburg. It is a photo of all the RAF officers taken by the Germans up to then + 1 Fleet Air Arm officer.…

A table with prizes and three airmen. On the reverse 'Sports Day at Luft 3.' , ' No Flight 7 [circled]' and '1:1'.

Three airmen and two men dressed as women on stage

A small enclosed handcart with a lid. Standing beside it are three German airmen. On the reverse 'Eric Foster & Joe Barker escaped from the Schloss Spangenberg in this in 1941'.

Three airmen standing in front of a wooden hut. One is a pilot.

Six airmen, two with musical instruments, in a room in a wooden building. One man is laying on the top of a double bunk

A play being performed with three actors. The orchestra are in their pit and a couple of spectators are watching. A picture on the back of stage reads 'Home Sweet Home'. There is a stage villain and two prisoners of war dressed as women characters.

Stagehands preparing the set. One man is at the top of a ladder by the proscenium arch. The backdrop is a city scape with high rise buildings.

Stagehands at work. Two dancers are on the stage. A man at the top of a ladder is working on the stage flats and others are painting.

Control room for the stage lighting, looking down at the stage. Two actors are on stage while stage hands move a piece of furniture.

Stage hands preparing scenery. The stage door is open to the outside camp and two men are carrying a stage flat. More scenery is against the back drop at the back of the stage.

Six actors waiting back stage. Three men are dressed as women. Part of a show's musical running order is written on the wall behind them.

A scene in the dressing room. Actors are reading their lines while others get changed and have makeup applied. Four men and preparing to play women's roles.

A view of the stage from the wings. Two actors are on the stage and a third, a waiter, is bringing a tray with a drinks.

Props stored at the theatre. There is a bust, stage flats and pieces of furniture.

A scene from a musical comedy viewed from the wings. Musicians including a guitarist and saxophonist are playing while a man dressed as a woman dances.

A view of the hut used as a theatre. Two trees are in the foreground

Seven men at work making props. Two men are working on a dresser. A Red Cross crate is in the foreground.
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