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  • Tags: nose art

Nose of a Lancaster with cartoon devil nose art and name 'Nick the Nazi Neutralizer' and six rows of operation symbols.

Four airmen wearing leather jerkins squat in front while seven aircrew, one with tunic, the others battledress, all with brevet, standing in front of port wing of a Lancaster. Engine trestles in the background.

Seven aircrew, all wearing Mae West, three squatting and the others standing by the nose of a Lancaster. A trolley accumulator in the background.

Two figures playing "two up", one wearing long trousers and another wearing shorts, both with hats, painted below cockpit. Six rows of operation symbols and letter 'D'. The names 'Bluey & Curly' and 'Jack' are also painted on the aircraft. On the…

Seven aircrew all wearing Mae West standing in line in front of the port inner engine of a Lancaster. Aircraft has two rows of operation symbols below cockpit.

Badge of Australian commonwealth imperial forces and three rows of operation symbols and one swastika. A airmen wearing flying helmet gives thumbs up out of open cockpit window.

Ten airmen, six aircrew standing and three men squatting and one sitting in front. All in front of a Lancaster with three rows of operation symbols.

A group of airmen sit on the port wing and port inner engine of Lancaster R5868 S-Sugar. Another sits and another stands up in the cockpit. Two more are standing in front of the nose. Aircraft has eight rows of operation bomb symbols and words 'no…

Doug Arrowsmith leaning from the cockpit of a Lancaster.
Below the cockpit the nose art is of a dog 'Snifter' that has just urinated on a swastika on an outline of Germany.

A airman standing on top of wing of a Lancaster watching two airmen working on the port outer engine below. Another two airmen work on the propeller of the port inner engine. Aircraft has name 'Dumbo' on nose and three rows of operation symbols.…

Front quarter view of the front of a Lancaster. A propeller in dangling from a crane by the port inner engine being held by an airman on gantry. Another airman stands behind on a gantry while a third on the ground consults a book. Aircraft has name…

Nine airmen wearing tunics some with brevet standing in line. Four airmen. also wearing tunics taking knee in front. In the background the front quarter view of a Lancaster three rows of operation symbols on nose fuselage. Three engine trestles in…

Side view of parked Lancaster. Has nose art of two figures and rows of operation symbols. Aircraft letter 'D'. Includes image of close up of nose art with airman in cockpit looking out of side window.

Seven aircrew wearing a variety of flying kit standing in line by the nose of a Lancaster with three rows of operation symbols. The airman second from the left is carrying a pigeon crate.

Seven aircrew wearing a variety of flying kit standing in line by the nose of a Lancaster with three rows of operation symbols as well as nose art of cat holding up a bomb and a harp. The name 'Digger' is painted under the front turret.

Twelve airmen, some with visible brevet, seven standing and five squatting in front. In the background the port inner engine and part of fuselage of a Lancaster. Nose art of female figure and bomb. Includes second image, close up of front row.

View of cockpit and nose of Lancaster. A men leans out of cockpit side window, Nose art of cartoon dog with signpost, and many rows of operation symbols.

Five airmen wearing battledress standing by the nose of Lancaster R5868, with 96 operation symbols and letter 'S'. Another Lancaster is visible in the background.

Aircrew and ground crew gathered by the nose of a Lancaster with nose art of cartoon boxing kangaroo, the words 'Flak Ship' and one swastika symbol.

A Lancaster in a field with undercarriage up and bent propellers. Has nose art and rows of operation tally symbols.

View of front fuselage and cockpit with airmen inside. Unidentifiable nose art cartoon figures.

Seven aircrew stand behind four kneeling ground crew in front of the port inner engine of a Lancaster. Engine trestles in the background.

Seven aircrew donning life preservers and parachute harnesses in front of a Lancaster. Aircraft has nine rows of operation tally symbols, letter 'S' and 'No enemy plane will fly over Reich territory'.

View of front of Lancaster with pilot looking out of cockpit window. On the fuselage nose art of skull and crossbones and name 'Piratical Pete'.

Front quarter view of a Lancaster parked on dispersal. Three airmen stand separately at the front. Aircraft has skull and crossbones nose art.
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