Browse Items (103 total)

  • Collection: Cavalier, Reginald George

Photograph 1 is of a house in a wood, captioned '137 Wing S.H.Q. Photographic Section Billet.'
Photograph 2 to 5 are of trailers in the woods, captioned '137 Wing, Photographic Units.'
Photograph 6 is a three quarters portrait of Reginald George…

Photographs 1 to 4 are of German soldiers at burial ceremonies, captioned 'Prints from a film of a captured German soldier.'
Photograph 5 and 6 are of an Ar 232 with RAF Roundels. They are captioned 'Captured German Transporter A/C'.

Photographs 1 to 4 are air-to-air views of B-25s, captioned '226 Sqd, Mitchell A/C; in flight over Germany, June 1945.'
Photograph 5 is of a Mosquito, close to the ground, undercarriage down.

Photograph 1 is of a B-25, undercarriage down, low level, port side, captioned 'Whitley A/C. R.A.F. Middleton St George, 1941'.
Photograph 2 is of the starboard side of a Boston 'P', in flight, captioned Boston A/C. R.A.F. Hartford Bridge. 1944. 88…

Photograph 1 is an air-to-air view of a Boston in flight with six more in the distance, captioned 'Boston A/C. 342 Sqd Lorraine, Free French.'
Photograph 2 is of a line of Bostons on the ground, captioned 'Boston A/C. 107 Sqd.'
Photograph 3 is of a…

Photographs 1 and 2 are of a Junkers 352 with RAF roundels. Photograph 3 is of a Me 110 radar equipped night fighter with RAF roundels. Photograph 4 is of a Me 262 with radar aerials on its nose. Photograph 5 is a Ju88 night fighter Photographs 6 and…

Propaganda leaflet aimed at German speaking population.
Page 1 gives some of Hitler's casualty statistics for the Eastern Front and invites Germans to see through the fraud.
Page 2 is an excerpt from the New Year 1941 edition of a Munich newspaper…

Propaganda leaflet aimed at the German population.
Page 1 shows Hitler standing amongst scores of dead German soldiers but smilingly looking forward to Spring on the Eastern Front.
Page 2 is a excerpt from a German Army document describing the 4…

Propaganda leaflet aimed at the German speaking population pointing out that many more casualties occurred on the Eastern Front than Hitler declared. It asks how many more will die and says the answer lies with the German people.

Propaganda leaflet aimed at the German speaking population.
Page 1. Hitler taking over command from his generals.
Page 2. Photos of German setbacks in Russia and Libya.
Page 3. Photo of the frozen corpse of a German soldier above the caption:…

Propaganda leaflet aimed at the German-speaking population. Page 1 announces that the first two 1000 bomber attacks have taken place and promises more. Page 2 gives quotes from allied leaders outlining the rights a defeated Germany could expect from…

Propaganda leaflet aimed at the German population. The leaflet compares the Luftwaffe attack on Coventry in 1940 with the RAF attack on Lubeck in 1942. It contrasts the growing destructive capacity of the RAF over that period with the relative…

Propaganda leaflet aimed at German-speaking population
Page 1 outlines further reductions in civilian food rations in Germany and lists the causes. The second page compares the rationing experienced in World War 1 with that in World War 2.

In last week of April 1942, Luftwaffe and RAF bombing are compared as well as Hitler’s announcement now and from 1941. Contrasting statements from American (R F Watt) and German (Sauckel) on availability of workers.

Extract from…

Propaganda leaflet aimed at German-speaking population.
This document mimics recruitment material seeking volunteers for the U-Boat service. It is in interactive form and shows a seaman dropping into a watery grave. It quotes the average life…

Propaganda leaflet aimed at the German-speaking population.
On one side, this leaflet repeats promises from Nazi leaders about Germany's clear air superiority. On the reverse are quotations from Allied leaders about the justice that Germans can…

Propaganda leaflet aimed at German-speaking population.
Side 1 places Hitler's claim in 1941 that Russia was already destroyed alongside his 1942 announcement that the German army in the east needed reinforcement. Below is a description by…

Message from America to the French people announcing they are allies once again; America is at war with Germany, Italy and Japan. As in 1917, this has allowed preparation time. France urged to stay strong and praised for its resistance.


Propaganda leaflet imitating cover of Life magazine aimed at American population opposing the use of bombing campaigns, using excerpts from articles from English language newspapers.

Propaganda leaflet aimed at the German-speaking population. The leaflet explains Churchill's intention of striking back with RAF bombing attacks on strategic targets in retaliation for Germany's indiscriminate attacks on 11 countries.

German propaganda leaflet directed at American forces in which a soldier questions in a letter home the reason why he is expected to die.


German propaganda leaflet aimed at Americans fighting in Europe.


Propaganda leaflet aimed at German population asking who said Germany would never be bombed. On the reverse are several images of Goering and the names of six cities already bombed.
'Wer hat gesagt –
“Vor allem werde ich
Dafur sorgen, dass der…

German propaganda leaflet directed at American soldiers. How many of their wives and sweethearts will be waiting in vain for them to return?


Shooting practice recording log.


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