Browse Items (101 total)

  • Collection: Cole, Ivor. Photographs

Eight Ceylonese working in a paddy field. On the reverse ' "Another Paddy Field being cut" at Kandy, Ceylon May 1946'.

A view across paddy fields. On the reverse 'The paddy fields near the camp Kandy Ceylon May 1946'.

A side view of an Expeditor in RAF colours.

An airman dressed in khaki standing outside huts. On the reverse ' "Dusty" outside his billet Kandy Ceylon May 1946'.

A street view of Kandy. There are a couple of carts and one car. On the reverse 'High Street Kandy (The main street in Kandy) Ceylon May 1946.'

Three palm trees reflected in a pool. On the reverse 'A view just outside our billets, Kandy Ceylon May 1946'.

Russ in uniform with his hands on his hips. Behind are Nissen huts. On the reverse 'Russ ("Man is Not Lost") (Navigator)'.

The two men are standing outside a wooden hut. On the reverse 'Self and VS Peter Once Again Kandy Ceylon May 1946'.

A sign indicates that this is the entrance to RAF Kandy. Coming out of the camp are five people. On the reverse 'Camp notice board on the road to No 1 Mess RAF Kandy Ceylon May 1946.'

A bullock cart. On the reverse 'A "Yak" outside the MT section Kandy Ceylon May 1946'.
A second image is annotated on the reverse 'The old "yak" one again Kandy Ceylon May 1946'.


26 airmen arranged in three rows. They are all dressed in shorts and khaki. Behind are palm trees. On the reverse several of the men have signed their names plus 'No 9 Admin Course March 1946 RAF Kandy Ceylon'.
There is a second identical copy.

An airman in khaki and shorts standing beside a Jeep. Behind is a row of tents. On the reverse 'RAF "Tengah" Chaplain S/Ldr "Rev" Ashton (A wizard type) Oct 1946 Singapore.'

Three Japanese prisoners with a basket, loading a lorry. Behind are tents. On the reverse 'Japs at work on 60. P.T.C. Tengah Singapore December 1946'.

Two field workers in the foreground and two in the background. They are working on a rice field. On the reverse 'Boys cutting paddy (rice) at Kandy Ceylon May 1946'.

Ivor standing in uniform outside a Nissen hut.

An island in a small lake, surrounded by low hills. On the reverse ' "The Island" Kandy Lake, Kandy, Ceylon March 1946'.

Seven airmen arranged in two rows outside wooden huts. They are dressed casually in shorts and khaki. On the reverse 'RAF Kandy Ceylon March 1946'.

Two views of a football match watched by a group of spectators. On the reverse 'A scene during the game. RAF Singapore July 1946'.


Airmen's billets at RAF Kandy. The buildings are built into a hillside surrounded by palm trees. On the reverse 'Scene of our billets from the main road. Kandy Ceylon May 1946'.

Two views of the camp from above. On the reverse of the first 'A view of a part of the camp. Kandy Ceylon May 1946.'
On the reverse of the second 'Overlooking the camp at RAF Kandy Ceylon May 1946'.

An airman sitting on a chair in the sunshine and smoking a pipe. Behind is a tent. On the reverse '1/2/46 Alec, taking it easy at Merv Camp, Cairo (Egypt)'.

Three prisoners working supervised by two men. Behind are tents. On the reverse ' "Nips" at work. On 60 PTC Tengah Singapore December 1946'.

A view of a palm tree, looking up its trunk. On the reverse 'One of many palm trees around here. Kandy Ceylon May 1946'.

An airman sitting by a mid-upper gun turret on an aircraft.


Two airmen dressed in shorts and khaki standing beside tents. On the reverse 'Sgt ? & W/O Wright both accounts section (Rice bashers) Wizard types. No 60 PTC Tengah Singapore 1946.'
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