Browse Items (63 total)

  • Collection: Doxsey, JA

J A Doxsey’s RAF Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book from 5th October 1939 to 25th January 1944, recording training and operations as a Wireless Operator/Air Gunner, and Transport Command ferry duties across Africa, Brazil and USA.…

J A Doxsey’s RAF Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book from 1st February 1944 to 30th July 1949, recording training and Transport Command duties across Europe, Africa and India as a Wireless Operator/Air Gunner. Also later civil flying…

Cover with photograph of six aircrew standing and sitting in front of a bomber. Inside on front page, a brief handwritten account of John Doxsey's service on 149 Squadron September 1939 - September 1940. Mentions his crew positions and two pilots…

Made out for J A Doxsey and states that he had been examined and passed working apparatus, transmission and reading Morse code, sending and receiving spoken messages and knowledge of regulations. On the reverse a b/w head and shoulders portrait and a…

Give dates of arrival in ports and rates of postage for voyages from London to Beira.

Photograph of twelve aircrew all grinning some with thumbs up. Text explains they were some of the aircrew who took part in the great aerial battle of Heligoland. Pencilled note 'Jan 5th 1940'.
Aircraftman Harry Gillott is standing second right.

Earphones and electrical connector

Article concerning shoe manufacturer for survey of African continent. Annotated 'Our morning paper, Monday 16/11/47'.

Dark front cover

B/W photocopy of 149 Squadron crest - horseshoe with lightning bolt, moto 'Fortis Nocte'. Page annotated 'This belongs to John Doxsey, room 25'.

Cutaway diagram of a Handley Page Heyford with annotation and bomb load diagram. Chevron oil company advertisement on reverse.

Four aircrew wearing flying jackets and two airmen wearing overalls walking towards the front of a Wellington parked with engines running. In the background a hangar.

Top left - view of moonrise through trees. Captioned 'Moon rising over the sea'.
Top right - view of waves out to sea with coast background left. Captioned 'Surf at Sekondi'.
Bottom left - man standing in surf casting net, sunken ship on horizon.…

Top left - huts on a hill with trees. Captioned 'Takoradi RAF camp in early days 1940'.
Top right - view up at airborne aircraft with trees at bottom. Captioned 'Bombay coming in at sunset'.
Bottom left - fishing boats and huts. captioned 'Fishing…

Top left - view of buildings from veranda. Captioned 'RAF camp Takoradi'.
Top middle - distant view of aircraft high in sky with tree at bottom. Captioned 'Convoy setting out for Cairo'.
Top right - view out to sea with headland on right and…

Top left - view of cathedral across rooftops. Captioned 'Lagos cathedral 1941'.
Top middle - two airmen wearing khaki uniform and shirts squatting with vehicles in the background. Captioned 'with Bisley convoy at Yola, Nigeria in 1942'. Top right -…


Top left - dawn view over parked aircraft. Captioned 'Waiting for dawn with Maryland convoy at El Fasher, S. Sudan'.
Top middle - view from air of mountainous region. Captioned 'Jebel Simbel (Lion Hill), 9000 ft high in Sudan'.
Top right -two…


Top left - group of five airmen, three wearing khaki uniform sitting in chairs in front of a building. Captioned 'Outside mess, Jan 1941, Heliopolis, Cairo'.
Top right - flying boat airborne above a river with trees on left bank. Captioned 'BOAC…

Top left - sailing vessels on river with trees on bank behind. Captioned 'Felucca at Geziran, Cairo'.
Top middle - view of river with falls. Captioned 'Source of the Nile at Ripon Falls, Jinja, on Lake Victoria, Uganda'.
Top right - sailing vessel…

Top left - view of distant mountains. Captioned 'Extinct volcano of Rongai, Kenya'
Top middle - two story white building with balconies and veranda. Captioned 'Imperial Hotel at Kampala, Uganda'.
Top right - view over a town with single story…

Top left- river with fall in centre. Captioned 'Stanley Falls at Stanleyville, Belgium Congo'.
Top middle - waterfall with man and woman standing on rock outcrop on right, other figures behind. Captioned 'Tshapo Falls on Congo river'.
Top right -…


Top left - view of buildings with rivers in the background. Captioned 'Leopoldville, capital of Belgium Congo'.
Top middle - distant view up a road of memorial with two columns. Cyclist in foreground. Captioned 'King Albert memorial at…

Six men, three wearing flying jackets and two overalls walking towards the front of a Wellington with engines running. Another man stands by aircraft ladder under the nose.

A group of airmen, some aircrew sitting in a room with maps on walls. Three men are sitting on chairs on a dais while another stands alongside. A group are sitting in chairs on the left and another group on the right. Many are holding cups.


Top left - seven men, most earing shorts sitting on a low wall with sea in the background. Captioned 'At Saidia, Morocco summer 1944'.
Top right - six men swearing swimming trunks standing and sitting on a dinghy in front of the doorway of a…
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