Browse Items (118 total)

  • Collection: Hogan, P J

Signed by P J Hogan with embarkation and disembarkation dates.

Includes personal details and list postings from 1943 to 1945. Promotions up to Flight Sergeant. Commissioned in June 1945.

Aircraft flown Battle, Anson, Wellington, Halifax. Navigator. Medical examination at RAF Waddington. address in Australia, next of kin. List of postings to units.

Dates in 1945 and 1946. Includes date of embarkation from overseas and disembarkation leave.

Postings to units in 1944

Various dates in 1944 and 1945

Gives personal details, navigator and list posting units and dates. Shows aircraft flown as Battle, Anson, Wellington and Halifax.

One entry from 8-1-44 to 13-1-44

Contains personal details dates of service and discharge, promotions and postings and movements.

Contains personal details and certificate of medical examination

P J Hogan filled out questions to be put to recruit before enlistment - personal details with attestation and declaration signatures.

Letter covering enclosed certificates for service and discharge covering the period he was an airman and covering the period he was an officer on the active list of the Royal Australian Air Force.

Gives name, rank demobilization date, decorations awarded (1939-45 Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal and eligible for returned from active service badge,

P J Hogan signs for receipt of Royal Australian Air Force airmen's certificate of service and discharge and officer's certificate of service.

Personal details. Rank Flying Officer, 466 Squadron flying. List courses.

Seven b/w thumbnail photographs, two in uniform with side cap, three in shirt sleeves and two with civilian shirt all with service number. Label with handwritten note 'Hogan P J, 436464'.

Hogan P J Officers records - directorate of postings brown file cover

Thanks him for letter and the gift of a parcel of food. He states that contents were distributed to those still with them that were working at the time that the particular parachute that saved his life was manufactured. Says his address was given to…


Writes about contents not to bother with in food parcels. Writes of not flying for 14 days and other activities. A large part of this letter was damaged and is unreadable.

Reports arrival of her previous letters and says he is now stationed in Hertfordshire a few miles from Royston. States that the Americans had left the place in a mess. Writes about Australian cricket side's scores and performance. Gives address of…

Comments on reliability of mail lately. Mentions leave and activities in Edinburgh with other members of crew. Writes of family issue with Kevin. A large part of this letter is damaged and unreadable.

Comments on arrival of mail and that some for others had gone astray. Describes leave spent in Ireland in Dublin. which he compares favourably with dirty, old depressing England. Enjoyed food over there that was not available in England and describes…

Thanks her for letters but says there had been little to write about his end and he was cheesed of with hanging about. Reports doing his first operation for seven weeks, it was an easy one but was hit by anti-aircraft fire. Talks a little of his new…

Reports arrival of recent mail. Writes that he has received letters from the parents of each of the boys who seem to have taken it well apart from on father who was upset when he wrote. Catches up with other news of acquaintances. Says life is…

Apologises for not sending birthday greetings. Catches up with news of friends who had lost colleagues. Says he does not need further parcels. Catches up with family news and says he has some addresses in Ireland. Catches up with more family gossip. …
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