Browse Items (260 total)

  • Collection: Field, Peter L and Cynthia G

Writes about a mix up in his travel arrangement and his subsequent journey. Mentions other cycling expeditions in Wiltshire and including a visit to friend in Bath. Comments on weather and that he might get leave at Easter.

Describes going to Bath to see friends and catches up with their news. Goes on to describe meeting an old schoolfriend. Mentions plan to visit Swindon and that he had caught a cold.

Writes of meeting fellow student who also lived in Cookham (where grandmother lives). Mentions upcoming six words a minute test and consequences of failure. Writes of plans to visit Bath and a little about his training.

Written from RAF Yatesbury. Describes getting flu and his journey from North Coates to Yatesbury. Describes camp and facilities. Mentions that he has 6 days Christmas leave.

Describes a little of his daily activities including a display of 15 types of aircraft they might see in the local area. Describes some of his guard duties. Writes that he has been posted with all wireless operators to Yatesbury. Describes expected…

Written from RAF North Coates. Describes camp location and aerodrome. Points out that location is closest in country to Germany. Describes air raid shelter and accommodation. Mentions E.N.S.A. concert.

Transcript of original letter. Written while at Uxbridge after he was attested and issued uniform and expected to be posted on soon. Describes the camp, pay and speculates of future leave.

Written while at Uxbridge after he was attested and issued uniform and expected to be posted on soon. Describes the camp, pay and speculates of future leave.

A woman wearing an overcoat holding onto part of a memorial headstone for grave of Ian Hay in Inverness. Upper part of stone is fashioned as a propeller blade. On the reverse 'In August 1975 Peter and I stayed in Inverness and visited the Hay Clan…

Accompanying note from Rhona Hay with text and silhouettes of three cats.

Retrospective after the death in a crash during a flight from RAF Kinloss on 24 September 1940. Author knew Ian Hay's sister well and writes of visiting his grave in Inverness. Mentions cairn raise by Hay's father near crash site and finding out more…

Gives personal details, enlistment dates, recommendation for training as aircrew and list of postings. Killed 24 September 1940.

Gives some details of the crash of a Whitley in which his son was the wireless operator and was killed. Note that court of enquiry was unable to allocate responsibility for the accident.

Photograph down hillside to valley with village and part of river.

Image of wreckage of aircraft looking downhill through trees to village in the distance.

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Image of wreckage of aircraft on hillside

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Made out for Whitley from 29 OTU on 24 September 1940. Location Ben Aigan. Gives some details of crash.

Copy of part of map of Rothes and Charlestown of Aberlour - showing Rothes on left and Ben Aigan on the right.

Top - photograph of cairn
Bottom - Photograph view from are of cairn over open ground.
Separate page - note with details that Ian Hay's father erected the original cairn on the summit of Ben Aigan. It did not mark the actual crash site.

List and describes enclosures A, B, C, D, E and F. A is map of are round Rothes and some details of crash. B - a cairn marking crash site rebuilt by friend. C flying accident card. D - the wreckage. E another photo of wreckage. F photo taken near…

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Writes about his training and that he was now operational and describes his aircrew role as rear gunner and second wireless operator in an Anson. Continues with description of his activities in the local town and on base.

Disorganised notes with dates, names of people and events.

A young boy and girl sitting on a pile of logs.

Right page - top left - a bride and groom standing with building in the background.

Left page:
Top - three young men sprawling on grass. Captioned 'Edward, David, James, Lyon? 2003, Richard at home with ball.
Bottom - a young man with football on driveway with garage on left and house in background..
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