Browse Items (59 total)

  • Collection: Brooks, William Alfred

Two photographs of Singapore harbour taken from a paved surface overlooking the harbour, bushes on the edge of the surface on first photograph, part of a building visible on the second one.

Two photographs, first of five soldiers posed on the harbour quayside, second is of a two story building.

Two photographs, first individual posing with military vehicle in front of a building, second is of two individuals posing with a Jeep and two trailers outside a building, trees in the background.

Three photographs, first two individuals posing with Jeep and two trailers outside a building, trees in the background, second the Grand mansion on Mount Sophia Singapore, third soldier posed on bumper of military vehicle outside a building.

Three photographs, first badly damaged vehicle, second small ship in a harbour, third Jeep towing a loaded trailer parked on a quay, bungalows on stilts in background.

Two photographs, one of racks of stores, second is of seven individuals, six crouching one standing, on the grass in front of single story buildings.

Two photographs, one of three individuals on the veranda of their billet the other of Dalhousie Obelisk, Victoria Theatre and Concert Hall, rear right former Supreme Court, Central area of Singapore.

To Bill's father from OC 10 Squadron offering his condolence as Bill did not return from an op.

Letter to Bill's father from Station Commander RAF Melbourne, regarding the disposal of Bill's effects as he has failed to return from an operation.

Letter from Irvin to Bill's mother congratulating him on having successfully baled out and his Caterpillar Club welcome letter.

Large closely packed crowd, some US army soldiers in foreground.

Taken from the front showing nose and engines, parked on snow covered apron, lightning flash on side of nose.


Tented accommodation, two fence lines, space between them lit by lamps attached to telephone poles, small number of figures visible in compound.

Of wooden construction, lots of clothing, bedding, bowls, and packets strewn over them.

Taken from above, spectators lining the pitch, large number of buildings in the background.

Two individuals with raised arms three German soldiers, surrounded by debris. On reverse '(Handwritten) Russian prisoners being shot by Jerries. (Copy of a print found at Nazi headquarters Luchenwalde)'.

Prisoners of war walking in a circle behind barbed wire, building in the background.

Formal portrait, head and shoulders, jacket, collar and tie. On reverse 'Front'.

Forest clearing, low hills in background, captioned 'Bush-Tangle after bulldozing'. On the reverse 'Binder', '949', 7 in a circle'.

Five soldiers, one RAF leading aircraftsman and a Military Police corporal, grouped at rear of a lorry.

Lady in summer dress and sandals, gentleman in shirtsleeves, both with folded arms, garden background.

Beach extending around a bay, with narrow road leading to buildings and a town overlooking the bay. Some individuals either on or looking over the beach.

Snow covered road winding through trees, low hills in the distance. Captioned 'Bringing civilization to Labrador'.

Bill Brooks standing at side of narrow road, a Ford Anglia 100E parked behind him, overlooking a rocky bay.

Additional identification kindly provided by Hubert Ten Doeschate.

Bill standing on a rocky shoreline, hills in the background.
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