Browse Items (131 total)

  • Collection: Valentine, John. Ursula Valentine's newspaper cutting scrapbook

Article 1. Headlines: Paulus and 15 generals captured, 18,000 more prisoners at Stalingrad, total force surrounded known to be 330,000, Germans peril in Caucasus. Article 2. Headlines: Mr Churchill flies to Turkey, meeting with president Inönü,…

Article headlines: 'We raid Berlin twice in a day', Goering is "Blown Off the Air" by RAF, explosions heard over wireless, only one bomber missing. Recounts two daylight attacks on Berlin on 10th anniversary of Nazi Germany. Operation carried out by…

Article 1. Headlines: Mr Churchill meets Mr Roosevelt, ten days conference at Casablanca, plans for this year's offensives, unconditional surrender for the axis, de Gaulle sees Giraud, Article 2. Headlines: trapped Stalingrad armies liquidated,…

Two photographs. On left general Montgomery standing in an open topped car driving down a street with troops lining road and walls of city in the background. On the right head on view of Scottish troop with bagpipes marching in street. In the…

Article headlines: Siege of Leningrad lifted, Schlüsselburg captured after 7-day battle, fighting in the streets of Kamensk, rout of 4 German divisions.

Article 1. Headlines: 'Millerovo retaken by the Red Army, Russian reported across the Donetz, Rossosh in Soviet hands again, final assault on Sixth Army'. Article 2. Headlines: 'New attack launched by Eighth Army, Rommel withdraws from whole of…

Article 1. Headlines: Russians sweep in over Kalmuck steps, Germans in full retreat S.W opf Koteliniko, more railway towns captured, four enemy divisions destroyed. Article 2. Headlines: the Algiers arrests, political moves behind Giraud, added need…

Article 1. Headlines: Germans driven beyond Kotelnikovo, falling back along the railway, threat by soviet left wing, fierce enemy resistance at Millerovo. Article 2. Headlines: murder plot in Algiers, twelve arrested, threat to Giraud and U.S…

Article 1. Headlines: General Giraud to succeed Darlan, unanimous election by imperial council, public calm after assassination, General de Gaulle to visit Washington. Article 2. Headlines: advance from Sirte, eighth army progress, approaching the…

Article 1. Headlines: Algiers talks on Darlan's successor, Giraud, Nogues or Boisson likely to be selected. New problems for allies, assassin's name kept secret. Covers action after the assassination of Admiral Darlan. Article 2. Headlines: chance to…

Article 1. Headlines: advance into Burma, no contact with enemy, troops pushing on. Article 2. Headlines: Col. Britton speaks again - and is heard, be ready, remember 1918. BBC European broadcaster spoke on Christmas night telling people to chalk up…


Headlines: New order cracks: Hitler defied. Sub-headlines: by a student of Europe, words then deeds, threats of defections, a temptation. Covers events in European enemy camp concerning Vichy and free France, Greece, Hungary,and Finland as well as…

Article 1. Headlines: Rommel's army cut in two, armoured forces trapped, heavy casualties in efforts to break out, constant allied air attacks. Article 2. Headlines: Darlan answers questions, French navy to join allies, desire for unity. Mentions…

Article 1. Headlines: huge Nazi losses in 2 Soviet pushes, 169,000 men killed and 74,500 captured by Russians, Stalingrad takes 1510 tanks in 3 weeks, Article 2. Headlines: Rommel in retreat to west, driven from strong El Agheila positions, more…

Article 1. Headlines: implacable foe of new deal, Republican's new chairman. Deals with appointment of Mr Harrison Spangler as the new chairman of the United States Republican party national committee. Article 2. Headlines; shackling of war…

Article 1. Headlines: the viceroy's term, Lord Linlithgow caries on, another six months, a record period. Concerns Lord Linlithgow remaining viceroy to India. Article 2. Headlines: Darlan a danger to allies, general Catroux's attack, non…

Article headlines: The Beveridge Report; comprehensive scheme of social insurance; benefits in unemployment, sickness and old age; new provisions for home and family. Covers summary of main provisions and table of security of provision in detail.

Article 1. Headlines; Mr Churchill's warning to Italy, new offensive from African spring-board, towards a climax in Russia. Article 2. Headiness: Italian mutiny at Piraeus, troops take to brigandage. Italian troops refusing to embark for Africa.…

Article 1. Headlines: big Russian push on Moscow front, Soviet troops advance 20 miles over wide area, 10,000 Nazis die, five divisions routed: 300 localities liberated. Article 2. Headlines: Tunisia: Germans on defensive, forces await British push…

Article 1. Headlines: French fleet scuttled in Toulon, crews act as Germans seize town, not a ship left afloat, Hitlet's excuse for a broken pledge. Article 2. Headlines: The Toulon fleet, the effect of long disuse. Includes battleships Dunkerque and…

Headlines: the retreat from Stalingrad, another 12000 prisoners taken, Russian grip on vital railways, axis reports new soviet offensive at Kalinin.

Headlines: battles of pursuit at Stalingrad, disorderly axis retreat in the north west, 15000 more prisoners taken, hour of reckoning has struck. German forces threatened with encirclement.

Article 1. Headlines: Dakar joins Darlan, French colonial empire and the war, American agreement with Martinique, freely under my orders, Darlan and west Africa. Announcement from Admiral Darlin that French West Africa has put itself under his…

Article 1. Headlines: Sir S Cripps leaves the war cabinet, now minister of aircraft production, promotion for Mr H Morrison, Mr Eden to lead House of Commons, Col Stanley colonial secretary. Notes appointments by the King. Article 2. Headlines:…

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Article 1. Headlines: 'Great Tunisia clash near, allied troops advancing on Bizerta, RAF blitz on axis aerodromes', Article 2. 'Soviet preparing for winter drive, enemy driven from Caucasus height'. Article 3. Headlines: 'Heaviest raid on Italy, RAF…
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