Browse Items (7 total)

  • Collection: Beech, Harold

Harold Beech in railway worker’s uniform, with peaked cap, standing in front of a level crossing gate at Snelland railway station. On the left is a signal box and behind him, alongside the two rail tracks, is a semaphore railway signal. Harold…

Mary Brophy, in summer dress, is sitting on a brick wall; behind the wall is a hedge and tree in full foliage and in front of the wall a grass verge. Mary Brophy remained in the village after the war to go to grammar school. Captioned 'Mary Brophy.…

Group photograph of the A V Roe civilian staff who serviced Lancasters at RAF Wickenby. In a grass field with buildings in the background, sixteen men are arranged in two rows, one standing, one kneeling. Some wear overalls, one or two are in suits;…

Twelve shapes of Hampdens are arranged in four rows and three columns, some have been coloured. Drawn by Harold Beech, aged 8.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Harold Beech was born in Middle Rasen, Lincolnshire. He was six when war was declared and saw the construction of many airfields near his home. As a schoolboy, he also watched aircraft being transported on the back of Queen Marys. The family housed a…

Harold Beech was born in 1933 in Middle Rasen and grew up on a farm. During his youth he lived near several airfields. His grandmother befriended an aircrew and, in this interview, Harold recalls another encounter with the crew, involving lemonade…

Harold Beech could see the activity of several airfields and witnessed stricken aircraft flying back to stations near his home. He also witnessed a crash and describes how he hid in a Lancaster, with the help of the engineer who was billeted with his…
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