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  • Collection: Valentine, John

Number 8. Writes he is feeling much better. He is trying to arrange that any friends or acquaintances who live outside the empire send him food parcels because any that are sent from inside are pooled. He describes his appearance after being shot…

Number 7. Writes that life is a bit monotonous with no opportunity to get out of compound on work parties. Asks her to tell him dates of letters she has received from him so he will know if they all got through. Asks her to send lots of photographs…

Number 5. Writes about his fitness and health. Says not eating much and asks for regular supply of tobacco.

Number 4. Reports he is more cheerful but hungry. Writes of possibilities of food in Red Cross parcels. Writes that he is busy looking after his hut, mentions study opportunities and garden. News of servicemen and prisoners he knows. He is longing…

Number 3. Writes that he has now settled in permanent camp. Feels weak and depressed but this will pass. Shares room with three Dutchmen, one of whom has relative close to her in England. He request she call on relative. Wished she could sent food -…

Letter number 2. Writes he is now in camp where he will remain. List items he is short of and would like her to try and send. Mentions he has been installed as leader of hut containing 164 men. Discusses money and ask if she has enough. Mentions…

First letter as a prisoner of war. Asks her to let him know how long she was in suspense with him missing before he was reported as prisoner. Writes of conditions in camp. Describes how pilot stayed with aircraft and allowed the rest of the crew to…

Thanks her for card and arrival date. Hopes she can come a day earlier as he has next afternoon off. Mentions her parcel had not turned up and he had seen Chaplin film. Writes there has been outbreak of flu on his flight and hopes he will not catch…

Updates her on progress of travel voucher which he now encloses despite it having wrong date. Explains what to do if railway will not let her travel on later date. Reports unsuccessful attempt to visit landlady. Regarding news from her latest letter,…

Writes he is impatient for her to arrive so he can spend an hour or two a day in her company. Encloses a travel voucher. Has filled out formal application but had to put in date although this was not yet fixed. Put down 25 January 1941 and explained…

Starts with long discussion on getting rid of piano. Discusses remustering and his preference unlike other not to go to pilot but remain as observer. Writes he has booked her bed at nursing home and accommodation. Writes of when he will be able to…

Writes he is in a happy frame of mind having been reassured about her. Continues with daily activities and reports on hunt for accommodation for her and mentions problem with pets. Discusses cost of accommodation. Mentions cold weather cancelled…

Writes he is very tired having had to put out fires all night and get up early. Describes daily routine. Complains he has had no letter from her for 5 days. States maths exam went well and now no more exams until end of course. Continues on 16/1/41…

Writes it is end of first day of new exhausting schedule. Wishes she was already there and safe from bombing. Suggest she comes 31 January or 1 February if not sooner. Mentions shopping in Woolworth and arrangements to pay inland revenue. Hopes she…

Lots of discussion over problems of whether she should come to Aberystwyth or not, but if she decides to should decide quickly. He would not book nursing home yet. Continues with description of his activities including new eye test for pilot.…

Short letter to include in parcel to her. Thanks for her for parcel and socks. Has letter from his father, describes what he says including that arrangements for her and baby best left to them. Repeats arguments for her coming to Aberystwyth. Notes…

Wonders about her reaction to his argument for her to come to stay in Aberystwyth. Notes essay on Initial Training Wing and remustering to pilot which he does not want to do. Writes he is still sleeping badly and that the RAF has run out of marmalade…

Starts with domestic matters, his activities and uniform issues. Notes examinations starting next week. Still waiting treatment for broken tooth. Has no spare time to read. Mentions he is not sleeping well, that individual interviews with squadron CO…

Long letter starts by thanking her for parcel which arrived on their anniversary. Reported that he had a disappointing interview with his CO which included discussion on whether it was likely that he could change from observer to pilot. Describes…

Mentions that it is first anniversary and he will try and phone. Describes a great day with frosty but clear weather and his walk in local area. Describes Aberystwyth and mentions another flight member has wife with him and discusses their…

Thanks her for letter, parcel and gas mask. Latter useful as stores have run out of respirators. Her Christmas present really useful helping to keep kit organised in strict tidiness regime. List thing she is sending back to her. Pleased to receive…

Pleased with arrival of her letter at last. Discuses mail and delivery delays. Provides a list of things he would like her to do. Replies to matters she raised in her letter. Continues with personal matters. Mentions his training day has been…

Writes he is worried about her due to reports of air raids on London. Describes his current activities including cross country run, PT, drill and lectures. Mentions Royal Artillery battery in town. Comments on parcel from mother that arrived in a…

Writes that big attack on London is on his mind along with shared recollections of a big fire when the bombing first started. Comments that he is likely to remain at his current location until March/April and asks if she would consider moving to join…

He writes about commencing training at Aberystwyth and that it is intense but he is enjoying it much more than previous training. Mentions London has had some nasty nights which worries him.
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