Browse Items (10 total)

  • Collection: Cuthill, Margaret

Margaret is standing in uniform in front of flowers and Nissen huts.

29 airwomen arranged in three rows. Margaret is seated, fourth from right. Behind is a prefabricated building with 'WIN' painted at a door.

Four seated on a rug and three kneeling behind. Margaret is front row, far left. Behind are nissen huts.

Margaret is kneeling at the front of a group of five WAAFs. Behind are Nissen huts and flowers.

Margaret is at the back row, left. Three are sitting on a grassy mound and three are standing behind.

Group of five, the four women in uniform, the man in civilian clothes. Margaret is second from right. They are standing amongst grass with a boundary wall behind.

Seven airmen, including Charles Robert Cuthill (3rd left), standing at the rear of a Lancaster.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Records Margaret Logan's service as between 25 May 1944 and 10 October 1947.

She is described by her commanding officer as:
'A very good conscientious airwoman. Has carried out her duties in a very capable manner. Keen, willing and uses…

Margaret Cuthill's account of her time in the WAAF. At the age of 17 she volunteered for the WAAF and was enrolled as a teleprinter operator. She was sent to Wilmslow for training. After four weeks of drill and physical exercise she was posted to…

Margaret Cuthill volunteered for the WAAF in Edinburgh. She went for her basic training at RAF Wilmslow before completing her training as a teleprinter operator at RAF Cranwell. She was then posted, initially, to 14 Maintenance Unit. After the war…
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