Browse Items (7 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1941-01-08"

Alan Richardson’s Flying Log Book as an air gunner from 11th April 1940 until 31st August 1943. Trained as an air gunner and wireless operator at No. 9 Bombing and Gunnery School and No. 9 Air Observers School. Posted to 11 Operational Training…

A sketch of the Chief Scout by John.
Captioned 'Passed away on 8th January 1941.'

Wireless Operator/Air Gunners log book for E Hannath covering the period from 11 July 1940 to 3 June 1942. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties, including search and rescue operations of downed aircraft in the Western…

Long letter where she deals with issues of her moving to be with him in Aberystwyth providing he has sorted accommodation and nursing home. Notes they will have two weeks together as he is due posting. Writes of her issues concerning their dog who…

Writes of current frustration and housework issues and of socks she is sending him. Mentions she heard on radio that wives of servicemen can travel cheap on railways, but he needed to get a voucher from his unit. Comments on nursing home and…

Starts with domestic matters, his activities and uniform issues. Notes examinations starting next week. Still waiting treatment for broken tooth. Has no spare time to read. Mentions he is not sleeping well, that individual interviews with squadron CO…
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