Browse Items (376 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Zimbabwe"

A group of four men and four women standing in front of a statue of David Livingstone. John is fourth left and Harry, holding a pipe in his mouth, is third right. One of the women is holding a straw sun hat in her hands and another is holding a…

Two prints of same picture of two airmen, wearing shorts and shirts standing at the foot of statue of David Livingstone with trees in the background. Ben Openshaw is on the left. On the reverse of first photograph 'Dr Livingstone I presume'.


A summary of Derek's career in the Royal Air Force including an explanation why he he carried a rabbit foot mascot in his flying suit. Explains that his flying log books are held by the National War Museum in London. Describes Derek's disappointment…

A description of travelling in convoy on the Highland Princess with 1,700 other Royal Air Force and British Army personnel. Including details of the onboard conditions, weather, a stopover, gun duty, attending lectures and wildlife sightings.…

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Three buildings with pitched roofs and open colonnades. Rope fencing and painted blocks delicate between the roadway and grassed areas in front. Three uniformed men walk toward a hall outside of which is a parked van. On the reverse 'This shows the…

Stars in June 1940 based on letters written to his mother. Tells of life in Rhodesia before being called up and travelling to England, Discusses war as well as work and social life and initial training in Rhodesia. Goes on to describe a little of…

A closeup of an eland. It is standing in open scrubland with a further three animals behind.


Two eland with their horns entangled in open scrubland with trees beyond.


Addressed to his mother in Southern Rhodesia.

A collection of exam papers taken by JH Bird, annotated with his marks.

Five airmen , three sitting and two standing behind in a barrack room. The left front man is smoking a cigar, the centre man is smoking a pipe and holding a photograph of a woman. The man in centre back is holding a pineapple. There is a window in…

Five men in desert uniform, with long wooden socks, shorts, skirts with rolled up sleeves and topees, with John third from the right. Between them they are carrying a dead tree through knee high grass in an open landscape. On the reverse 'Carrying a…

A group of five men dressed in uniform, studying a map. All are wearing long trousers apart from John, standing far right, who's is wearing shorts with a camera slung across his body. On the reverse 'This was taken on the eve of bash, and shows the…

Uniformed trainee airmen sat on an open top car, one with his arm raised in the air, John is standing right, back. The car, with number plate B 5707, is parked on a packed earth road with trees surrounding. On the reverse 'Ken, Pat, Jim Sid and…

A magazine published for airmen in Bulawayo with news, jokes and stories.

A magazine published for airmen at the Bulawayo base. It includes, news, jokes, cartoons and adverts.

A magazine produced at the camp for airmen. It has news, jokes, cartoons and adverts.

A magazine published by RAF Bulawayo with sports news, jokes and news.

One man sat crossed legged on the ground, John kneeling behind him, one standing and a fourth man sat the shoulders of the man in front. He is holding a pile of books.

Four airmen wearing tunics sitting on the bonnet and bumper of a car on the side of a road. On the reverse 'L to R, Loue, Jonny, Pedro and Ginge taken by Ken Hicks(Taff), Umtali Pass, 1943, Our car - Essex super six, Southern Rhodesia'.

Four airmen in wearing tunics standing round the front of a car. Behind to the right a sign 'Marandellas, Rusape 61 miles, Untali 120 miles'. In the background trees. On the reverse 'Week end outing at Marandellas, S Rhodesia, 5-5-41. The car is my…

Four uniformed men in shorts, shirts with rolled up sleeves and ties. They are standing in a row outside a grass roofed building with John, far right. All are holding a number of books.

Album page annotated 'Southern Rhodesia and South Africa during my pilot training for the R.A.F. 1 March 1945 to 6 October 1945 1894345 Cadet Paine G.H.'

Harvard on ground, EX671, in front of hangar, captioned 'Myself in Harvard III 22 SFTS RATG Thornhill Gwelo'.

Aircraft in front of hangar, Geoff standing at left hand wing root, captioned 'Myself and Cornell aircraft at RATG Guinea Fowl Nr Gwelo May 1945'.
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