Browse Items (580 total)

  • Coverage is exactly "British Army"

Maurice as a soldier dressed in a great coat, standing by a brick wall.

Maurice in army uniform, with Nellie Louisa France (nee Stimpson) They are against the steps of Parkfield Lodge, which was Maurice's home.
Parkfield Lodge is at Headstone Lane and the entrance to the lane that ran down to the house is just opposite…

Article describing use of tactical and heavy bombers using precision bombing, controlled by master bombers in aid of ground forces. Master bomber ensures all bombs fall ahead of safety line to keep clear of own troops.

A folded card describing the association's membership types, committee and objectives. The association's secretary is identified on the back by an ink stamp.

Leading caps for Market Garden Veterans Association.

Two views of a marching band. On the reverse of the first 'Pipe band of Scotch [sic] regiment playing (Seleter) [sic] Malaya Sports Oct: 1946 Singapore'.
On the second 'The band again Malaya Sports Singapore Oct 1946'.

Large map with part of Netherlands and Germany on wall. Submitted with caption 'mreu8 001 4 MREU Operations Map Hamburg 1946'

Head and shoulders portrait of man wearing army battledress and side cap. On the reverse indecipherable handwritten note.

Three newspaper cuttings two birthday announcement for Sergeant Harry Bowers reported missing 14 August 1940. Third, on Second Lieutenant Louis Bingham Murray reported lost his life as a result of air operations.

Lord Mountbatten giving a speech at the end of the war, at Singapore Town Hall.

Lord Mountbatten giving a speech in Singapore at the end of the war. He is surrounded by military men.

Hard copy of a radio message prepared by Major Gordon Lett for the Fifth Army Headquarters: "Captain Lloyd Roberts, a medical officer, left today to cross enemy lines with important intelligence".


A line of prisoners handing over their weapons.
There is a second identical copy.

The signing of the agreement to end the war with Japan. Seven allied officers and two Japanese are visible on the remains of this photograph. On the reverse 'Lt Gen Browning signing the 'agreement' at Rangoon Aug 1945'.

Two letters, the first referring to RAF warrant officers being reduced in rank to sergeants from 1 July 1946 and the second about older veterans mocking young soldiers for not having overseas service ribbons.

Ask Vic about his arrangement to take Ron up and asking what he needed to do. Writes about his new job driving the quarter master's three ton ration truck.

Story of paratroopers dropped from Stirling over Normandy on 5/6 June 1944 all signing 5 franc note with message 'thanks for the lift'. Stirling crew survived the war and the pilot kept the note. Lists names of paratroopers and the fact that Eric…

Reg writes that he is at his new camp. He asks his parents to sort out his money. His new camp is more comfortable. Many of the prisoners have been there four years.

Writes enclosing a letter which was given to him by a woman in Fécamp when he entered the town a few days previously. He hopes it will allay her worries and also hopes she will have good news of her husband soon.

Typed version of previous letter. From Captain J. M. Yeoman enclosing a letter he was given by a woman when he entered the town of Fecamp a few days earlier. He hopes it will reassure her and also hopes she receives more good news of her husband…

A letter written in French, with accompanying English translation sent to Mrs Hunt. The French letter was written by an Auguste Bally, an Adjudant in the Gendarmerie. The letter is sent as a reply to Mrs Hunt, thanking Bally for information on her…

She has become even more distressed since she found out her son had died. She writes about her family who are away on war service.

Writes complaining about his current location. Mentions the trip he had been promised and that he let him know about his end of the job. Asks that Vic does not mention his Africa Star. Sends regards to Vic's family.

Letter from Bert catching up with family and friend news and talking of his life. Requests address of her husband.

He writes about his shock that Ian is missing. Hopes that he is a prisoner.
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