Browse Items (99 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Harry Ziegler"

Emilie Niemeyer's account of the events at Hafenstraße 37.

Emil E's account of the events at Schäfergasse 21, Müllergasse, Pferdemarkt.

Elisabeth Sch's account of the events at Jägerstraße 9 and 5.

Elisabeth K's account of the events at Graben nos. 6 and 2.

Elisabeth G's account of the events at Ständeplatz 13.

Mrs Elfriede N's account of the events at Friedrichsplatz 3, Obere Karlstraße 17/19 (Bürgersäle).

Dorothea P and Martha St's account of the events at Franziskusstraße 1, Wildemannsgasse 30.

Director Seidel's account of the events at Mittelgasse 31.

Clara H's account of the events at Moltkestraße nos. 12 and 7.

Miss Clara A's account of the events at Heckershäuser Straße 10 and Main Cemetery.

Christine Wachsmuth's account of the events at Magazinstraße 4.

Mr Christian's account of the events at Moltkestraße 7.

Auguste Müller's account of the events at Turmgasse 4/Königsplatz 36 ½ (Wiedersichscher Keller), Königsplatz.

Auguste Bolte's account of the events at Renthof 4.

August Keppler's account of the events at Obere Karlsstraße 12/14 (Old Townhall, Public Welfare Office).

Anton J's account of the events at Kassel-Kirchditmold, Opferhof 3.

Anna K's account of the events at Wittichstraße 49.

Anna D's account of the events at Hohenzollernstraße nos. 137 ½ and 139, Wehlheider Straße 6.

Anna A's account of the events at Hohenzollernstraße nos. 26 and 28, Hindenburg-platz.

Andreas N's account of the events at the City Cleaning Department, Franzgraben 85.

Andreas H and Emma H's account of the events at Schomburgstraße 10 (Rheinischer Hof Hotel), Bahnhofstraße 19 and Lutherplatz 7.

Mr Alfred P's account of the events at Schäfergasse 5 and Gartenstraße 26.
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