Letter from David Boldy to his father



Letter from David Boldy to his father


Letter from David Boldy to his father about being stationed in Scotland, waiting to start the air observers school. He has visited Edinburgh and been swimming locally.




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Four page handwritten letter


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R.A.F. Station Drem
9th June, 1940.

My darling Dad,

Thanks for your post cards, they are very attractive. I hope you enjoyed your holidayand are feeling completely fit again.

I am still at this Station in Scotland as apparently there is no room at the observers training school at the moment.

During our first week here we were given no work of any sort to do. Five days ago we were put on fatigues, cleaning up floors etc. Now however we have quite a nice job – Spotting. Everyone Takes two hour periods at looking out for enemy air-craft. There is also a Lewis Gun

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attached to the post which the man on duty at the observation post will man. We are going to be taught how to use a lewis gun from tomorrow. We shall also have lectures in the identification of various air-craft. It is a much better job than sweeping floors with a broom. All of us are anxious to get on with our real training. This hanging around is a damn nuisance. I am afraid I cannot see any Reason for it, as everybody is yapping about the terrific war effort.

I have been into

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Edinburgh a couple of times, & rather like it. It is [underlined] not [/underlined] a patch on London though.

Some of us have also been swimming in the sea nearby. The beach is lovely and we [deleted] ha [/deleted] enjoyed it immensely apart from the fact that it keeps you very fit. Yesterday the observers cleared several fields of hay. It was blazing hot so we stripped to the waist. It was grand fun. We also had great fun in the [indecipherable] on the way there and back to the camp. We made a mass [indecipherable] in all the people we passed. It [indecipherable]

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anything the B.B.C. dished up.

Outside the camp there is a café called the Parachute. It is a very nice place & we have good fun with the Scotch girls who run it.

On Friday there is an R.A.F. dance to which all of us are going. It should be quite good fun. Incidentally all my friends from the beginning are at this station with me.

Some of us are going swimming to-day. I am rather looking forward to it. No more to-day. God bless & keep you for us.

Love Dave.



David Boldy, “Letter from David Boldy to his father,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/502.

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